
This is a theory of computation course topics simulator

Primary LanguageC++

This it is a basic regular expression to DFA converter based on the coursework of theory of computation.


- It takes an input as expression and parse it.
- Then from the abstract syntax tree it makes NFA and from NFA.
- it is converted into DFA using the epsilon closure propery....
- Then moore minimization algorithm is used to minimize the DFA.
- An additional string check is used also(Whether the input belongs to the expression)
- worked with OR/UNION,STAR,SEQ/AND,PLUS and literals


- abstract syntax tree for a+b*(c+de)*f


- nfa and min dfa

nfa dfa_moore_minimizedTable dfa_moore_minimized

- CYK simulation for the CFG
- S -> A B | B C
- A -> B A | a
- B -> C C | b
- C -> A B | a


Will try to implement

- CFG to PDA
- CFG to LL(K)
- Left factoring and Left recursion elimination
- Computing first and follow sets