
Unreal Engine 4 Topdown shooter template

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT

Top-down shooter template


This is an Unreal Engine 4 game template, yay.

Most of the logic written in C++

Asset Instructions

  1. Open UE4 and create new Blueprint Top Down project with Starter Content
  2. Close the editor. Navigate to created project folder
  3. Copy Content folder to your TopdownShooterTemplate location
  4. Download TDContent.zip and extract it to your TopdownShooterTemplate location, confirm overwritting
  5. Unfortunatelly you will have to setup all the particles and sound effects since we can't share proprietary content

note: you will also need to setup aiming animation inside player anim blueprint, you can find one in UE4 Engine\Content\Tutorial\SubEditors\TutorialAssets\Character folder

