
A simple FAQ system.


  • docker-compose: version 3

Docker Fedora Installation

  1. sudo dnf -y install dnf-plugins-core
  2. sudo dnf config-manager --add-repo https://download.docker.com/linux/fedora/docker-ce.repo
  3. sudo dnf install docker-ce docker-ce-cli containerd.io

Docker Daemon on Fedora

  • Start once: sudo systemctl start docker
  • Start on every boot: sudo systemctl enable docker


  1. Download start.yml and .env.exmaple, and put them in the same directory
  2. Edit .env.exmaple and rename it to .env
  3. docker-compose -f start.yml up -d
  4. Go to localhost and it should be running


Update to the newest version requires rebuilding the images:

  1. Stop the service: docker-compose -f start.yml down
  2. Rebuild the images: docker-compose -f start.yml build --no-cache
  3. Start the service: docker-compose -f start.yml up -d


Variable Default value Description Containers using the variable
DB_TYPE Supported values are mariadb(mysql), postgres(postgresql), should be specified even in development web
DEBUG 0 Production: 0 / Development: 1 web
SECRET_KEY yaaaaaaaaaaaaa! Change this to a hard-to-guess random string web
DJANGO_ALLOWED_HOSTS localhost [::1] the IPs/domain names that this Django site can be served web
DJANGO_SUPER_USER yaaaaaaaaaaaaa! Default admin page username web
DJANGO_SUPER_PASSWORD yaaaaaaaaaaaaa! Default admin page password web
DJANGO_SUPER_EMAIL yaaaaa@yaaa.yaa Email of the admin user web
HOST db Domain name or IP of the database, use instead of localhost in development web
PORT Port of the database(postgres: 5432, mariadb: 3306) web
TIME_ZONE Asia/Taipei timezone for the website, valid options are listed here web
MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD yaaaaaaaaaaaaa! Mariadb root password web & db
MYSQL_DATABASE faqs Mysql default database web & db
POSTGRES_USER yaaaaaaaaaaaaa! Postgres super account username web & db
POSTGRES_PASSWORD yaaaaaaaaaaaaa! Postgres super account password web & db
POSTGRES_DB faqs Postgres default database web & db
THREADS auto valid values are auto or numbers, threads available for nginx nginx
FORCE_NEW_CERT false set to true to force regenerate SSL certificate nginx
FORCE_NEW_DHPARAM false set to true to force regenerate Diffie-Hellman parameters nginx
C 2-digit country code, arguments for generating SSL certificate(optional) nginx
ST state, arguments for generating SSL certificate(optional) nginx
L location(city), arguments for generating SSL certificate(optional) nginx
O organization, arguments for generating SSL certificate(optional) nginx
OU organization unit(division), arguments for generating SSL certificate(optional) nginx
CN common name(FQDN/IP), e.g. www.example.com /, arguments for generating SSL certificate nginx
SAN subject alternative name(DNS:FQDN/IP:IP), e.g. DNS:www.exmple.com / IP:, arguments for generating SSL certificate nginx

Django Development Instructions

  1. Clone this repository
  2. Create your .env.dev
  3. source .env.dev && export $(cut -d = -f 1 .env.dev)
  4. In start_[database].yml, under db:, edit:
      # postgres
        - .env.dev
        - 5432:5432
      # mariadb
        - .env.dev
        - 3306:3306
  5. docker-compose -f start_[database].yml up -d db
  6. Populate the tables if the database is newly created: python3 manage.py makemigrations && python3 manage.py migrate, create a superuser: python3 manage.py createsuperuser
  7. python3 manage.py runserver
  8. If you need static files and media files to be served, add + static(settings.MEDIA_URL, document_root=settings.MEDIA_ROOT) + static(settings.STATIC_URL, document_root=settings.STATIC_ROOT) after urlpatterns in faq/urls.py, and change STATIC_ROOT & MEDIA_ROOT in faq/settings.py to somewhere you have permission.

Fork Instructions

  1. Fork this repository
  2. Clone your repository
  3. Change the upstream urls:
    • In start_[database].yml: 2 urls in the value field of context
    • In dockerfile: 1 url after RUN git clone
    • In nginx.dockerfile: 1 url after RUN curl
  4. Commit and push your changes
  5. Remember to push your changes to the upstream repository and update it before starting the services.

Windows Issues and Workarounds

  1. postgres docker image can't specify host volumes
    • Use mariadb instead
  2. mariadb can't start with InnoDB: auto-extending data file ./ibdata1 is of a different size 0 pages
    • Add --innodb-flush-method=fsync to the command value under db in start_mariadb.yml