Makes sleeping speed up time instead of skipping to day.
This mod is featured in "Minecraft Mod Combinations That Work Perfectly Together #5" By AsianHalfSquat
- ModMenu for an in game configuration screen (only for singleplayer/LAN)
Any mods that add sleep voting, or otherwise modify the sleeping mechanic itself will not work with this mod.
You can set a minimum amount of players that have to sleep using the vanilla Minecraft gamerule PLAYERS_SLEEP_PERCENTAGE
Any mods which simply add buffs/debuffs after waking up should work. Create an issue on the issue tracker if you've found an incompatibility!
- BetterSleeping Revived - Buffs, debuffs, and chat messages don't trigger (working on a fix, see the issue tracker for more details)
See the version info in the filename for the supported Minecraft versions.
Made for the Fabric and Quilt modloaders.
Server side only.
Q: Will you be backporting this to lower Minecraft versions?
A: No. -
Q: Forge pls?
A: Also no. -
Q: Does this mod work in multiplayer?
A: Yes! The speed of the night scales linearly for each player that's sleeping at the same time. -
Q: Does only the server need this mod or does the client need it too?
A: Only the server needs this mod (but it works on the client too if you're going to host LAN or play singleplayer) -
Q: Can you still avoid rain/thunder by sleeping?
A: Yes. After sleeping until dawn the weather will become clear. I might make this configurable in the future, let me know if you want this. -
Q: Does this mod speed up things like furnaces, redstone, the raid timer, and other (modded) block entities?
A: Yes!
This project is licensed under LGPLv2.1, see LICENSE.