Course Outline Chapter I: Pair Programming Chapter II: Code Comments Chapter III: Code Smells Chapter IV: Strings 1. Reverse String 2. Detect Capital 3. Reverse Words in a String III 4. Valid Palindrome 5. Reverse Vowels of a String 6. Longest Common Prefix Chapter V: Arrays 1. Two Sum 2. Number of Islands 3. Sort Array by Parity 4. Transpose Matrix 5. Flipping an Image Chapter VI: Sorting 1. Sort Method Overview 2. Merge Intervals 3. Valid Anagram 4. Array Partition 5. Find All Anagrams in a String Chapter VII: Divide & Conquer 1. Sort List 2. Merge k Sorted Lists 3. Median of Two Sorted Arrays Chapter VIII: Stacks 1. Valid Parentheses 2. Baseball Game 3. Next Greater Element 4. Backspace String Compare 5. Score of Parentheses Chapter IX: Linked Lists 1. Add Two Numbers 2. Reverse Linked List 3. Reverse Linked List II 4. Odd Even Linked List 5. Intersection of Two Linked Lists 6. Reverse Nodes in k-Group 7. LRU Cache Chapter X: Test-Driven Development Chapter XI: Time & Space Complexity Chapter XII: Trees 1. Validate Binary Search Tree 2. N-ary Tree Postorder Traversal 3. Leaf-Similar Trees 4. Same Tree 5. Sum of Left Leaves 6. Diameter of Binary Tree 7. Longest Univalue Path 8. Find Bottom Left Tree Value Chapter XIII: HashMaps & Sets Sorting: 1. Group Anagrams 2. Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters 3. Jewels & Stones 4. Unique Morse Code Words 5. Happy Number 6. Uncommon Words from Two Sentences 7. Distribute Candies 8. Groups of Special-Equivalent Strings 9. Intersection of Two Arrays 10. Valid Sudoku 11. Isomorphic Strings 12. Word Pattern 13. Design HashMap 14. Design HashSet Multiset: 1. First Unique Character in a String 2. Subdomain Visit Count 3. Find the Difference 4. Sort Characters by Frequency 5. Most Common Word 6. Set Mismatch 7. Number of Atoms Chapter XIV: Recursion & Memoization 1. Pow(x, n) 2. Best Time To Buy & Sell Stock 3. Edit Distance 4. House Robber II 5. Regular Expression Matching Chapter XV: Queues 1. Implement Stack Using Queues 2. Implement Queue Using Stacks 3. Rotate Array Chapter XVI: Dynamic Programming 1. Coin Change 2. Wildcard Matching 3. Word Break II Chapter XVII: Graphs 1. Course Schedule 2. Island Perimeter 3. Is Graph Bipartite? 4. Word Search 5. Course Schedule II 6. Longest Increasing Path in a Matrix Chapter XVIII: Object-Oriented Programming Chapter XIX: System Development Life Cycle Chapter XX: APIs Chapter XXI: Microservices