
Setup libtorch for windows and pack the final binary so that it can run independently of libtorch

Primary LanguageRustThe UnlicenseUnlicense

First time installation steps

  • First install cargo-post
cargo install cargo-post
  • Clone the repo
  • Close any IDE you might be running like vscode, clion etc.
  • Navigate to the repo with command line.
  • Delete the tools directory if it exists
  • Run cargo post build --release. It needs internet connection.
  • This will take a lot of time based on your internet connection. It will download libtorch extract it to tools. Also will setup AppPacker
  • Run the app present at Release/tch_packed.exe (The app name will change if u rename the project). Note it is Release/tch_packed.exe not tools/Release/tch_packed.exe
  • Uncomment the #tch = "0.14.0" from line 14 of cargo.toml
  • Uncomment all commented lines in main.rs
  • Run cargo post build --release again. Execute the binary at .\Release\tch_packed.exe
  • If no errors present proceed with development of the app.
  • If DLL error exist follow the below steps. For any other issue, submit a bug report.

Solving Dll issues

  • The missing DLLs can be found by running the app via file explorer.
  • Add missing DLLs to the REQ_DLL list at .cargo/config.toml


  • When you want to distribute the application run
cargo post build --release
  • This will create an executable in Release folder. You can distribute it.

Directory structure

|-- .cargo
|   `-- config.toml
|-- Release
|   `-- tch_packed.exe
|-- src
|   `-- main.rs
|-- target
|   |-- debug
|   |   |-- build
|   |   |-- deps
|   |   |-- examples
|   |   |-- .fingerprint
|   |   |-- incremental
|   |   `-- .cargo-lock
|   |-- release
|   |   |-- build
|   |   |-- deps
|   |   |-- examples
|   |   |-- .fingerprint
|   |   |-- incremental
|   |   |-- .cargo-lock
|   |   |-- tch_packed.d
|   |   `-- tch_packed.exe
|   `-- .rustc_info.json
|-- tools
|   |-- libtorch
|   |   |-- bin
|   |   |-- cmake
|   |   |-- include
|   |   |-- lib
|   |   |-- share
|   |   |-- test
|   |   |-- build-hash
|   |   `-- build-version
|   |-- Release
|   |   |-- asmjit.dll
|   |   |-- c10.dll
|   |   |-- fbgemm.dll
|   |   |-- libiomp5md.dll
|   |   |-- MSVCP140.dll
|   |   |-- tch_packed.exe
|   |   |-- torch_cpu.dll
|   |   |-- uv.dll
|   |   `-- VCRUNTIME140.dll
|   |-- Appacker_v1.3.11.exe
|   `-- libtorch.zip
|-- build.rs
|-- Cargo.lock
|-- Cargo.toml
|-- .gitignore
|-- post_build.rs
`-- readme.md
  • tools\libtorch contains the libtorch library
  • tools\Release Contains Temp files needed by post build script to work.
  • Release Contains the final binary