
repo to hold the components published to NPM

Primary LanguageTypeScript


You must have a Superpowered AI account. You will need an api key and api secret in order to make requests. If you do not have an account, you can sign up for one for free here.

API keys can be created in the API Keys tab in the UI.


npm install superpowered-ai


import { SuperpoweredChatbot } from 'superpowered-ai'

    headerText={"Superpowered AI"}
    initialMessage={"Welcome to Superpowered AI. How can I help you?"}
    placeholderText={"Type a message..."}
        knowledgeBaseIds: [],
        systemMessage: "",
    onMessageSendCallback={(payload, response, status) => console.log(payload, response, status)}


DO NOT use a server-side api key. Please only use a client-side key. Depending on your application, it could also be recommended to rotate your API key and secret. You can easily delete and create new keys in the Superpowered UI.


While some of the parameters are not required, we highly recommend that you make use of the following in order to get the most out of your chatbot:

  1. Header logo and title
  • Please use your own logo and title in order to customize the chatbot to match your site.
  1. System message:
  • We highly recommend creating a detailed system message specific to your use case. This will result in much more relevant responses for your users. Check out our documentation for an example of how we crafted a system message for our site.


For full detail about the chat configuration parameters, check out our documentation here

Prop Required Type Default Description
apiKey Yes string "" Superpowered AI API key
apiSecret Yes string "" Superpowered AI API secret
headerLogo No React.node null The logo (if any) you want displayed next to the title. This gets sized to 25px by 25px. We highly recommend using a suqare or circular logo.
headerTitle No string "" The title you want displayed at the top of the chatbot
darkMode No boolean false Use our dark theme colors
initialMessage No string "Hello, how can I help you?" The welcome message that shows up when the chatbot is opened
placeholderText No string "Type a message" Placeholder text in the chat input
onMessageSendCallback No Function null Callback function for detail about the payload sent, the response from the API, and the status. This is primarily for debugging purposes, we do not recommend exposing this to your users
displaySources No string "link_to_source_only" Options for displaying sources. This can be "all", "link_to_source_only", or "none". "all" will display sources even if they do not contain a "link_to_source", but these will not be clickable. Any source with a "link_to_source" will be clickable, and it will open that source in a new tab
style No object - Style customization for the chatbot
style.chatContainerMaxHeight No string "90vh" Max height for the chatbot in the opened state. Beyond this height the message container will scroll vertically.
style.chatContainerWidth No string "575px" Width for the chatbot in the opened state
style.chatBubbleStyle No React.CSSProperties - Custom style for the floating chat bubble (closed state)
style.chatBubbleIconStyle No React.CSSProperties - Custom style for the icon in the floating chat bubble (closed state)
style.headerTextStyle No React.CSSProperties - Custom style of the header text
style.userMessageContainerStyle No React.CSSProperties - Custom style for the user message container
style.userMessageTextStyle No React.CSSProperties - Custom style for the user message text
chatConfig Yes object - Configuration parameters for your chatbot. Learn more about chat configuration here
chatConfig.model No string "gpt-4" Model to use. This can either be "gpt-4" or "gpt-3.5-turbo"
chatConfig.knowledgeBaseIds Yes array [] List of Superpowered AI knowledge base ids to give the chatbot access to
chatConfig.systemMessage No string "" The system message lets you instruct the LLM to behave in a certain way. You can also use it to give the LLM context about what its role is. For example, “You are a customer service bot for Superpowered AI. Superpowered AI is a knowledge base as a service provider for LLM applications… You should ONLY discuss Superpowered AI’s products and politely refuse to answer unrelated questions.” Don’t be afraid to make this multiple paragraphs long with a lot of detail and examples.
chatConfig.targetSegmentLength No string "medium" This parameter controls the average length of the segments that get created. For more complex tasks it usually works better to use medium to long segments. Only used when RSE is set to Yes.
chatConfig.responseLength No string "short" Response length controls the average length of chat responses. Short is the default, which will keep responses to a few sentences or less. If you want the model to respond with as much detail as possible, which usually means using multiple paragraphs, use long.
chatConfig.temperature No number 0.1 This controls the creativity of responses. Set this close to 0 reduce the risk of hallucinations, and closer to 1 for more creative responses.
chatConfig.useRSE No boolean true Relevant Segment Extraction (RSE) is an optional (but strongly recommended) post-processing step that takes clusters of relevant chunks and intelligently combines them into longer sections of text that we call segments.​​ These segments provide better context to the LLM than any individual chunk can.


If you have any questions, bug reports, or product enhancement requests, please email nick@superpowered.ai