Pinned Repositories
A GroupShare API client library for .NET
Custom binding for knockoutjs which permits <select> elements containing <optgroup> elements.
Azure CDN does not provide free SSL certificates for root domains. This project aims to automate the provisioning and renewal of Let's Encrypt SSL certificates for Azure CDN root domains.
Supertext Plugin for the Wordpress Polylang Multilingual Add-On
When developing web solutions, assets such as JavaScript declarations or HTML templates are frequently written in a location that differs from their desired output location. SuperScript.Container.Mvc allows developers to easily declare these assets in MVC Razor views.
SuperScript offers a means of declaring assets in one part of a .NET web solution and have them emitted somewhere else. This library contains functionality for making JavaScript-specific declarations such as variables or function calls.
SuperScript offers a means of declaring assets in one part of a .NET web solution and have them emitted somewhere else. In conjunction with SuperScript.Templates, this library offers pre-compilation into a JavaScript Templates HTML template.
SuperScript offers a means of declaring assets in one part of a .NET web solution and have them emitted somewhere else. In conjunction with SuperScript.Templates, this library offers pre-compilation into a jQuery.tmpl template.
Contains lots of supporing types
File type plugins for SDL Trados Studio
Supertext's Repositories
Supertext Plugin for the Wordpress Polylang Multilingual Add-On
Custom binding for knockoutjs which permits <select> elements containing <optgroup> elements.
Contains lots of supporing types
When developing web solutions, assets such as JavaScript declarations or HTML templates are frequently written in a location that differs from their desired output location. SuperScript.Container.Mvc allows developers to easily declare these assets in MVC Razor views.
SuperScript offers a means of declaring assets in one part of a .NET web solution and have them emitted somewhere else. This library contains functionality for making JavaScript-specific declarations such as variables or function calls.
File type plugins for SDL Trados Studio
A GroupShare API client library for .NET
IdentityServer Access Token Validation for ASP.NET Core
Azure CDN does not provide free SSL certificates for root domains. This project aims to automate the provisioning and renewal of Let's Encrypt SSL certificates for Azure CDN root domains.
SuperScript offers a means of declaring assets in one part of a .NET web solution and have them emitted somewhere else.
SuperScript offers a means of declaring assets in one part of a .NET web solution and have them emitted somewhere else. In conjunction with SuperScript.Templates, this library offers pre-compilation into a JavaScript Templates HTML template.
SuperScript offers a means of declaring assets in one part of a .NET web solution and have them emitted somewhere else. In conjunction with SuperScript.Templates, this library offers pre-compilation into a jQuery.tmpl template.
Batch task plugins for SDL Trados Studio (Translation Tool)
Batch RegEx segment locker plugin for SDL Trados Studio
A custom implementation of a GroupShare Authentication Provider for Supertext. This allows us to use our own customer repository to authenticate GroupShare users.
OpenID Connect and OAuth 2.0 Framework for ASP.NET Core
Sync repo for our Strapi CMS
SuperScript offers a means of declaring assets in one part of a .NET web solution and have them emitted somewhere else. This library contains the core classes which facilitate all other SuperScript modules but which won't produce any meaningful output on its own.
SuperScript offers a means of declaring assets in one part of a .NET web solution and have them emitted somewhere else. SuperScript.Container.WebForms allows developers to easily declare these assets in ASP.NET WebForms .aspx files.
SuperScript offers a means of declaring assets in one part of a .NET web solution and have them emitted somewhere else. This project offers the base functionality for relocating assets to an external file while writing an appropriate reference to this file in the HTML.
SuperScript offers a means of declaring assets in one part of a .NET web solution and have them emitted somewhere else. This project offers the functionality for relocating assets to an external file while storing the contents in a MySQL database.
SuperScript offers a means of declaring assets in one part of a .NET web solution and have them emitted somewhere else. This project offers the functionality for relocating assets to an external file while storing the contents in a SQL Server database.
SuperScript offers a means of declaring assets in one part of a .NET web solution and have them emitted somewhere else. This library contains the functionality for declaring JavaScript on an MVC Razor view and having SuperScript process and relocate this script block.
SuperScript offers a means of declaring assets in one part of a .NET web solution and have them emitted somewhere else. This library contains the functionality for declaring JavaScript in .aspx files and having SuperScript process and relocate this script block.
SuperScript offers a means of declaring assets in one part of a .NET web solution and have them emitted somewhere else. This library contains functionality for making HTML template-specific declarations.
SuperScript offers a means of declaring assets in one part of a .NET web solution and have them emitted somewhere else. This library allows developers to easily declare HTML templates in MVC Razor views.
SuperScript offers a means of declaring assets in one part of a .NET web solution and have them emitted somewhere else. This library contains the functionality for declaring HTML templates in .aspx files and having SuperScript process and relocate this template block.