
Minimal Userge Loader

Primary LanguagePython

Minimal Userge Loader

A minimal and lightweight Userge loader as a Docker Hub image.

Differences from the upstream

  • Uses a slim variant of Debian Stable image as its base.
  • Node.js and Google Chrome are dropped.
  • Issues caused by Python package versions have been resolved.
  • Uses a static build of FFmpeg to drop X11 dependencies.
  • Comes with the Python packages required by official Userge plugins.
  • Non-free APT repositories are enabled.
  • Base image and APT are now container-friendly (non-interactive).

Run the bot

  • Install the Docker Engine & Docker Compose plugin.
  • Download the config_sample.env and docker-compose.yml files to an empty folder.
  • Fill the config_sample.env and rename it as config.env.
  • Open a terminal shell inside that folder and run the following command: docker compose up --build -d
  • After deployment, send .help in Telegram to check if the bot is working.

Useful commands

  • Add official Userge plugins to the bot: .addrepo https://github.com/UsergeTeam/Userge-Plugins
  • Check the logs: docker compose logs -f -n 25
  • Check the status of the container: docker compose ps -a
  • Stop the container: docker compose stop -t 0
  • Start the container: docker compose start
  • Restart the container: docker compose restart -t 0
  • Delete the container: docker compose down -t 0
  • Delete both the container and the image: docker compose down -t 0 --rmi all
  • Add user to the docker group: sudo usermod -aG docker $(whoami)


  • You need to run docker compose ... commands in the folder where the docker-compose.yml is located.
  • If you installed Docker from the repositories of your Linux distribution, you may need to use docker-compose instead of docker compose.
  • Replace :latest with :basic in docker-compose.yml if you prefer to install the required Python packages of official plugins at the bot's boot time.
  • To run some commands that use docker, you may need to add yourself to the docker group or use sudo as a prefix.
  • Node.js and Google Chrome dependent plugins (video_chat and webss) won't work. The carbon plugin may work using its fallback method.