
The project template I use for Qt/C++ development

Primary LanguageMakefile

Qt/C++ template project

The project template I use to start Qt/C++ desktop application

The directory structure

  • ui : windows and everything that will be shown to the user
  • models : handle data stored in the database
  • controller : the software engine
  • helpers : functions non specific to the software that can be used anywhere
  • assets : .qrc file, images, translation files, ...
  • lib : 3rd party libraries
  • test : software tests
  • doc : documentation



THE CHAMP-WARE LICENSE Christ Azika-Eros (@supm4n, website, christ@azika-eros.org) owns this project. As long as you retain this notice you can do whatever you want with this stuff. If we meet some day, and you think this stuff is worth it, you can buy me a bottle of champagne in return. Christ Azika-Eros.