
SupraDaaS is a next-generation Destop-as-a-Service (DaaS) solution based on Containerized VM.

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

SupraDaaS is a next-generation Destop-as-a-Service (DaaS) solution based on Containerized VM (SupraVM). Leveraging cloud-native technologies, particularly containerization at the core, SupraDaaS effectively eliminates the intricacies and inefficiency in traditional VM management with DaaS or Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI), and empowers a more scalable, resilient, and user-friendly infrastructure.


sudo docker compose up

SupraDaaS is built with Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) on docker, with mounts to the host for persistant storage (cofigurations, logs, icons.) and cross-service sharing (temp files for user uploads).

Users will access VMs all from Web portal on resource UI page (https://SupraDaas-Address/), and Administrators can manage VMs on the admin UI page (at https://SupraDaas-Address/admin).

Admin Resources


  • Settings, /opt/supra/daas/conf: configuration files

    1. vmSettings.json: settings for options to CPU Core, Memory and Disk Capacity on the admin UI page.
      • cpuSizes for CPU Core, list of the number of cores
      • memorySizes for Memory, list of the amount of memory
      • diskSizes for Disk Capacity, list of the capacity of disk
    2. rule.json: settings for rules applied to users accessing VMs from the resource UI page.
      • keyboard, set to 1 allow users to input with keyboard. Default is not set to disallow users to input with keyboard.
      • mouse, set to 1 allow users to input with mouse. Default is not set to disallow users to input with mouse.
      • copy, set to 1 allow users to copy from the VM. Default is not set to disallow users to copy from the VM.
      • paste, set to 1 allow users to paste to the VM. Default is not set to disallow users to paste to the VM.
      • download, set to 1 allow users to download from the VM. Default is not set to disallow users to download from the VM. ONLY for RDP sessions.
      • upload, set to 1 allow users to upload to the VM. Default is not set to disallow users to upload to the VM. ONLY for RDP sessions.
      • idleTime, set the maximum idle time for users on the VM in number of minutes. Default is 15.
    3. vm_backup_schedule.json: settings for the schdule to automatically backup VMs.
      • force_shutdown: set to true to forcefully shutdown VMs before backup starts. Default is false to skip the backup task when the VM is running.
      • weekly: set the time to start the weekly VM backup task, day for the number of day, hour for the number of hour in the day, minute for the number of minute in the hour, tz for timezone from UTC. For example, [{"day": 6, "hour": 20, "minute": 0, "tz": 0}] is to start the weekly VM backup task on Saturday at 20:00:00 UTC.
  • Data

    1. /opt/supra/daas/vm/storage: VM template and machine files
    2. /opt/supra/daas/vm/backup: VM backups
    3. /opt/supra/daas/vm/host: host specific files, e.g. container logs
    4. /opt/supra/daas/files: VM brokerage files for RDP sessions
    5. /opt/supra/daas/db: database files for VM resources and sessions
    6. /opt/supra/daas/cert: certificate(tls.cert) and key(tls.key) for HTTPS. If not provided, a self-signed certificate and key will be automatically generated.
    7. /opt/supra/daas/logs: log files



VM templates MUST be placed into /opt/supra/daas/vm/storage/template/, with template-id as the folder name. SupraDaaS will automatically check and update template information in 5 minites.

For each template, there MUST be two files:

  • sys.qcow2 is the system disk file.
  • info.json is to specify information about the template.
    1. name: set to the name of the template, shown on the admin UI page. MUST set to strings with a-z, A-Z, 0-9, or - .
    2. osType: set to the OS type of the template. MUST set and valid option is windows-xp, windows-7, windows-10, windows-11 or windows-2003 for windows and ubuntu-2204 for linux. Support to more OS versions is yet to come.
    3. diskSize: set to the capacity of the system disk. MUST set and match with the sys.qcow2 file. 4.access: set to list access methods to the template system with sys.qcow2, each specifying the protocol and port.
      To allow users to access a VM created from the template system with *sys.qcow2*, the VM needs to enable remote access service accordingly. Currently supported *protocol* is *rdp*, *ssh* or *vnc*.
    4. management: set to the management interface on the template system with sys.qcow2 and all VMs created from it, specifying the protocol, port and interval in seconds.
      To use the management interface, all VMs created from the template system with *sys.qcow2* need to enable remote management service (*winrm* on Port *3985* for *windows* or *ssh* on *3985* for *linux*).
    5. adminName: set to the account name used for the the management interface on the template system with sys.qcow2. MUST set to the if the management interface is available.
    6. adminPasswd":set to the password for the account name used for the the management interface on the template system with sys.qcow2. MUST set to the if the management interface is available.
    7. userMgr": set to 1 to enable user management for VMs created from the template system with sys.qcow2. Default is not set for disabling user management.
    8. users": set to the list of default users available on VMs generated from the template system with sys.qcow2, specifying the user (name of a local user) and pass (password for the local user).

User Access

Users can access all VMs directly from Web portal on resource UI page. Multiple access methods can be configured for a VM, and if there is no access method checked as the Default Access, the user will need to select one before connecting.

For a user to access a VM, the VM needs to enable the remote access service accordingly, and rdp, ssh and vnc are currently supported. In additiona, Virtual Terminal is provided as the access method to redirect the VGA display of a VM.

When a user clicks the icon of a VM resource on the resource UI page, selecting an access method if there are multiple ones set without specifiying the Default Access and fill in username and password if needed, a new tab in the browser will be openned for the access session.

Accounts Management

For VMs created from templates with valid management interface, accounts for user access can be configured on the admin UI page. Multiple accounts can be configured for a VM, and if there is no account checked as the Default Account, the user will be asked to fill in the username and password to use before connecting.


  • daas-portal: web front end on https, with Nginx.
  • daas-admin: app admin server, with Java.
  • supra-db: database for template and VMs, with PostgreSQL.
  • vm-manager: manage VM files and functionalities, with Python.
  • supra-agent: guacamole-server for remote connections to VMs.
  • projector-supra-vm: customized containerized VM image, based on SupraVM.