SupraRBI-VNC is a Remote Browser Isolation (RBI) solution in the form of VNC server.

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


SupraRBI-VNC is a Remote Browser Isolation (RBI) solution in the form of VNC server. To start a RBI session, a user only needs to connect to the VNC-RBI server with a VNC client.

Please ensure that the VNC client supports SecurityTypeTLS (0x13, VNC Authentication with TLS encryption) as VNC SecurityType, and the target URL shall be provided as username.

Integration with Apache Guacamole

Connect Request Session

SupraRBI-VNC server

The SupraRBI-VNC server functions as a proxy for on-demand projector instances, which are VNC servers each hosting a running browser specifically for a target URL.

  • listen for RBI requests on VNC port and admin requests on HTTPS port
  • handle RBI requests
    1. accept valid request from a VNC client
    2. start a projector instance for the target URL
    3. relay VNC stream between the VNC client and the projector instance
# Please make sure the network for SupraRBI-VNC server and projector instances is available
# docker network create supra-projector

docker run --name vnc-rbi -d \
    --network supra-projector \
    -p 5900:5900 \
    -e SUPRA_PROJECTOR_NETWORK='supra-projector' \
    -e SUPRA_PROJECTOR_IMAGE='projector-chrome' \
    -e LOG_LEVEL='debug' \
    -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \

exposing ports

  • VNC server: 5900

environenvironment variables

  • SUPRA_PROJECTOR_NETWORK: network of the SupraRBI-VNC server and projector instances, no default value
  • SUPRA_PROJECTOR_IMAGE: image for projector instances, no default value
  • LOG_LEVEL: log level for container logs, default value is "info"

VNC SecurityType for VNC connection

  • SecurityTypeTLS (0x13, VNC Authentication with TLS encryption) is required to send username and password to the SupraRBI-VNC server.
  • To use an valid TLS certificate with the private key for the VNC server, please make sure the two files are properly mounted to /supra/cert/server.cert and /supra/cert/server.key accordingly. Otherwise, a self-signed certificate will be automatically generated.

username for VNC connection

  • Users use the username field to set the target URL for the RBI session.

password for VNC connection

  • Users may also use the password field to pass settings in json to the RBI session.
    "id": {
        "type": "anon",
        "name": "123456"
    "idle_user": 0,
    "idle_connection": 30000,
    "instance-settings": {}

id: set the type and name for the projector instance.

type: set type of the projector instance, may be "anon" or "norm". Default value is anon
name: set the projector instance's name, a string with a-z, 0-9 and -.

When type is "anon", the projector instance's name will be set to "rbi-anon-{random_string}" and the value of name will be ignored;
When type is "norm", the projector instance's name will be set to "rbi-norm-{name}"

When id is set, the SupraRBI-VNC server always trys to connect to the named projector instance, and only when the named projector instance does not exist, a new projector instance will be created with the target URL in username.
With id, users can set the projector instance/container's name, which can be used for direct connection or access a previously created session.

idle_user: set maximum idle time for a user RBI session , in milliseconds. The RBI session will be terminated when the user has been idle for such long time. Default value is 0 for no time out.
idle_connection: set maximum idle time for a projector instance without user connection, in milliseconds. The projector instance will be terminated when there is no user connection for such long time, with delay up to 30s. 0 is for immediately terminating the projector instance when there is no user connection, and default value is 10000 for terminating the projector instance after 10 seconds without user connection.
mounts: set the list of bind mounts for all projector instances, each bind mount is specified with a colon-separated string for the source path on the host, the destination path in the projector instance, and mount options if needed. The syntax follows Docker bind mounts with -v flag.
instance-settings: set ENV settings passed to all projector instances with name-value pairs in JSON format.

Projector Instance

A projector instance is a docker container providing a RBI session to a target URL

  • open the target URL with a browser
  • listen for incoming VNC requests from the SupraRBI-VNC server

projector image

With projector-chrome, chrome in kiosk mode is used to open the target URL.

For improved user experience as well as additional functionalities, commercial projector image projector-supra-web may be used.


While VNC does not provide support for audio, users can obtain audio through direct connection to the PulseAudio server on TCP port 4713 running in a projector instance.