- 8
Is there a way for the use to be considered idle when the web page loses focus? β‘οΈ
#385 opened by mircealungu - 1
- 2
π IdleTimer return functions like `isPrompted`, `isIdle` should be boolean state vars, not () => boolean functions
#396 opened by donp-usbank - 0
π documentation does not include focus in default events. But, should focus be included in default events?
#395 opened by eliprand - 0
- 9
π Importing useIdleTimer throws error during compilation with "type": "module"
#362 opened by divyeshsachan - 2
π onPrompt does not fire if the promptBeforeIdle time occurs while the computer is sleeping
#388 opened by nauticalcoder - 2
- 3
Has onActive() condition changed?π
#382 opened by alexlaw-leo - 0
- 0
π React 17 - Timer starting without timer.start() although startManually prop is true
#386 opened by rpc5255 - 1
β‘οΈ lastActiveTab state: a state to know whether this is the last active tab or not
#384 opened by aman-godara-ria - 1
π Module Parse Failed with babel-loader
#380 opened by prelator - 0
Issue when resetting timerπ
#378 opened by leahyjulian - 1
Reset method does nothing
#377 opened by JSDUNIYA - 1
Prevent timeout countdown reset when modal appears and when there is user activity
#359 opened by tempoeric - 2
- 0
π Types error maybe?
#372 opened by danielturus - 1
When video is running activity is not detectedβ‘οΈ
#370 opened by StefanoPitto - 4
π react-idle-timer node modules issue
#368 opened by ravikumar-roundsqr - 1
Not working in Microsoft edge browser, using idle timer version 5.7.2π
#363 opened by shivbenchmarkestimating - 6
- 4
π Update types to prevent @typescript-eslint/unbound-method errors
#360 opened by reify-tanner-stirrat - 3
Calling `activate` or `reset` inside the `onPrompt` handler does not stop the prompt countdown
#346 opened by shennan - 1
- 1
π Module parse failed: Unexpected token (1:6657) You may need an appropriate loader to handle this file type
#355 opened by speedDaemonAmber - 11
Add `disabled` prop to `useIdleTimer()`
#349 opened by dkreft-termly - 2
Legacy Bundle
#345 opened by AGontcharov - 0
- 1
I want to start the timer when my user logs in ,so i have a condition and if condition satisfies then the timer should start from idleTimer .
#347 opened by Mursalin7 - 4
onPrompt fires continuously if timeout & promptBeforeIdle are the same value
#342 opened by RJWerning - 4
[Feature Request] Expose values of IIdleTimerProps as parameters of all the callbacks in IIdleTimer
#339 opened by kylemh - 6
- 6
onPrompt getting triggered everytime on reset
#310 opened by jitujazz - 0
Thank You
#338 opened by zach-betz-hln - 3
- 3
When onPrompt is called, getRemainingTime is stopped; should onAction also be?
#335 opened by samesfahani-tuplehealth - 2
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- 1
- 1
working in dev but error in production
#329 opened by seyyidt - 5
Events not being executed on function component
#325 opened by MarianoVeloso - 2
User interaction
#324 opened by Andriy-Lyashenko - 4
- 4
- 4
`onActive()` called on user event before idle state was reached (w/ `crossTab` & `syncTimers`)
#320 opened by tgelu - 2
I find it difficult to understand the way the "idle" state and "prompted" interact
#318 opened by tgelu - 1
- 1
Documentation of useIdleTimer
#313 opened by anavalo - 1
promptTimeout value never called; always uses timeout value for both the prompt and timeout
#305 opened by ccbayer