E-Learning Quiz App

This Flutter app is designed to facilitate online learning through quizzes, study materials, and user-friendly features. Utilizing Firebase for backend functionalities offers a seamless experience for learners. This app was designed with the help of dbestech Youtube Channel.


We want to acknowledge the contributions of the following individuals to the E-Learning Quiz App:

Table of Contents


  • User Authentication:

    • Login screen for normal users with password verification and Google Sign-in.
  • Functionality:

    • Time-bound quizzes can be done.
    • Calculate the final score.
    • Study materials(video links, web links) are provided for further studies.
  • Security:

    • Passwords are securely hashed and stored in Firebase.
  • Additional Functionality:

    • Dark and Light Mode.

Getting Started


  • Visual Studio Code or Android Studio for app development.
  • Flutter SDK.
  • Firebase account.


  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone https://github.com/SupunJayaweera/Mobile_Quiz_App.git