The purpose of this project is to design a command line interface-based prototype of the crafting mechanism based on Minecraft using the C++ programming language. In designing the project, we were asked to use some of the object-oriented concepts that we have learned in class, namely:
- Inheritance and Polymorphism
- Exception and Exception Handling
- Function Overloading and Operator Overloading
- Abstract Class and Virtual Function
- Generic Functions and Generic Class
- STL (Standard Template Library)
This repository consists of:
- config folder containing all the config files (items and recipes)
- include folder containing header files that's needed on this project
- doc folder containing this project's report
- src folder containing implementaion files of the header files from include folder
- main.cpp containing the main code
- main.exe as executable code
- makefile for compiling and testing
- If you are using Linux, make sure you are using Linux with C++17. WSL also works if you are using Windows. compile : open terminal
sudo apt-get install make g++
run the code :
- If you are using Windows, make sure you have installed minGW. compile : open terminal / cmd
run the code :
Gregorius Jovan Kresnadi - 13518135
No. | Name | Student ID |
1. | Suryanto | 13520059 |
2. | Wesly Giovano | 13520071 |
3. | Vieri Mansyl | 13520092 |
4. | Brianaldo Phandiarta | 13520113 |
5. | Steven | 13520131 |
6. | Aldwin Hardi Swastia | 13520167 |