
Not working with real merchant id, key and slat, getting error {"code": 0, "success": false}

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my real merchant id, key and slat was not working, it's show me error like {"code": 0, "success": false}
but when i use with test it's work perfectly

Please help me for this issue

how to find key and slat from PayU dashboard ??

Same Error

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@Suraj-Tiwari I am alos getting same error

my hash generation in server side is as follows :


      var pd = req.body;
        var hashString = process.env.PAYU_KEY  // Merchant Key 
          + '|' + pd.txnid
          + '|' + pd.amount + '|' + pd.productinfo + '|'
          + pd.firstname + '|' + + '|'
          + '||||||||||'
          + process.env.PAYU_SALT // Your salt value
        var sha = new jsSHA('SHA-512', "TEXT");
        var hash = sha.getHash("HEX");

the test credentials are working fine but these are not working

make sure to validate your hash with provided hashing function.