Name Bidding App
This repository contains code for a Name Bidding DAPP. It contains a simple React UI which interacts with an ethereum solidity contract, which in turn handles several scenarios which might occur in a Name Bidding App like reserving a name, releasing it, placing bids on names, accepting bids and transferring funds using name.
npm and node is required.
Install Truffle globally.
npm install -g truffle
Install node modules.
npm install
Start local test blockchain
npm install -g ganache-cli ganache-cli --gasLimit 300000000
NOTE: Need to convert NameContract into smaller contracts in order to fit under mainNet gasLimit
Go inside contracts folder and deploy the contracts to a local ethereum network
truffle compile truffle migrate
Run tests for JS and solidity.
truffle test
Start the application. Should be available at http://localhost:3000
npm run start
Features And Assumptions
1. Reserve Name
- A name can be reserved by anyone for some amount of ether, the amount is sent to the contract Owner.
- Name can be reserved only if available.
- Event NameReserved logged
2. Release Name
- It releases the name and makes it available to everyone.
- NOTE: Does not send back the ether to owner
- Event NameReleased logged
3. Place Bid
- Places bid for an already reserved name.
- The bid amount has to be greater than the amount that owner has purchased the name at.
- Event BidPlaced logged
- NOTE: A user who has already placed a bid, can only place a new bid, cannot update existing bid.
4. Accept the highest bid
- Accepts the highest bid present in the system, transfers name to highest bidder and returns ether to all low bidders.
- Event HighestBidAccepted logged
- NOTE: Can only be called by the owner of the name.
5. Transfer funds to an owner of name
- Can transfer funds to anyone in the system using name.
- Event ReturnEtherToLowBidOwner logged
6. Name Available
- Checks if name is available.
5. Get Name Details
- Gets name owner and name bid of a reserved name.
5. Retrieve Bids
- Gets all the bids placed against a name for a particular index.
- Deployed and tested by using the truffle framework
- Run
truffle test
- NameContract.js and TestNameContract.sol contains in total 12 tests which test all of the above scenarios