
Scrapes analyst ratings of the stock and displays the data using plotly

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Written in Python.

This purpose of this program is to scrape analyst ratings of a user given stock and displays the data using plotly. Analyst ratings can be used in trading strategies.


Two files:

  • Analyst_Rating.py, which is used to scrape websites and create a pandas dataframe
  • plotly_Analyst_Rating.py, calls Analyst_Rating.py and creates pie charts. plotly_Analyst_Rating.py is the file you must run

Websites used for scraping using BeautifulSoup:

  • swingtradebot.com
  • zacks.com
  • wsj.com

Websites used for scraping using selenium (since BeautifulSoup was unable to scrape on these sites)

  • Thestreet.com
  • tradingview.com

Pandas data frame was used to hold analyst ratings and the website names. The data frame was then used for pie charts that were powered by plotly. There is a pie chart for each site and a pie chart for all ratings combined.


  • bs4
  • requests
  • yfinance
  • pandas
  • selenium
  • time
  • plotly
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as bs  # To parse HTML
import requests  # To open links
import yfinance as yf  # Check if the ticker entered is valid, also grabs the ticker's exchange (NYSE, NASDAQ, etc)
import pandas as pd  # Used for a data frame table to hold ratings, and analysts
import selenium.common
from selenium import webdriver  # To scrape JavaScript, used for Tradingview.com and TheStreet.com
import time  # Testing time it takes for scraping
# imports below are for plotly and are used in plotly_Analyst_Ratings.py
from plotly.subplots import make_subplots # making multiple charts
import plotly.graph_objects as go # making a chart

On line 131 you need to specify where your chromedriver is located

driver = webdriver.Chrome("/Users/Suraj/Downloads/chromedriver", options=options)

Examples of Pie Charts Shown When Program is Executed

When the stock "teva" is entered by the user: tevaTest.png When "aim" is entered by the user: Screen-Shot-2020-12-26-at-4-43-34-PM.png When "aaple" is entered by the user: Screen-Shot-2020-12-26-at-4-45-54-PM.png