Patient-Register-REST API

List of all the major libraries/frameworks

  • dotenv
  • express
  • mongoose
  • nodemon

End point

  • By "/register" end point psychiatrists can register their patients.

  • By "/add/psychaitrist" end point, If you want to add more psychaitrist in any hospital then you have to pass hospital id, hospital name, psychaitrist id and psychaitrist name in body.

  • By "add/hospital" end point, If you want to add more hospital in database then you have to pass Hospital id and hospital name in body.

  • By "/all?id=3" end point, If you want to fetch all hospital data you have to pass hospital id in query e.g (id=1). There are only 4 hospital so you can use any one of these(1, 2, 3, 4).