
A program that once compiled creates two executable files. bst and primegap. bst takes as input first the number of integers and then the maximum value of an int plus one. With this input, an array is generated from the input given for the number of elements and their range. A Binary Search Tree is then created from the generated array. The BST is then converted to a linked list and that linked list is then reversed. As output, the array, the BST that is searched and printed in increasing order, the linked list in increasing order, and the reverse linked list in decreasing order. What prime gap does is calculate the largest gap in consecutive prime numbers using the GMP library.

Primary LanguageC

A program that once compiled creates an executable, bst. bst takes as input first the number of integers and then the maximum value of an int plus one. With this input, an array is generated from the input given for the number of elements and their range. A Binary Search Tree is then created from the generated array. The BST is then converted to a linked list and that linked list is then reversed. As output, the array, the BST that is searched and printed in increasing order, the linked list in increasing order, and the reverse linked list in decreasing order.

Sample run:


Usage ./bst n nmax
n is the number of integers between 0 and nmax-1

./bst 10 100
83 86 77 15 93 35 86 92 49 21
15 21 35 49 77 83 86 86 92 93
Linked list
15 21 35 49 77 83 86 86 92 93
Reversed linked list
93 92 86 86 83 77 49 35 21 15