
Jenkins, Ansible, Tomcat Installation from scratch

Jenkins Installation on Google Cloud VM Link
Tomcat installation on Google Cloud VM Link
Ansible Installation on Google Cloud VM Link

Simple DevOps Project-1 | Simple DevOps project for CI/CD through Jenkins & Tomcat

We know how to use work with each and Git, Jenkins independently. What if you want to collaborate these two? that is where Simple DevOps project helps you. Follow below steps if you are a new guy to DevOps. You love it.


  1. GC instance with tomcat installation
  2. Jenkins server

Adding steps for Integration

Steps to create Jenkin job

  1. Login to Jenkins console
  2. Create Jenkins job, Fill the following details,
    • Source Code Management:
      • Repository:
      • Branches to build : */master
    • Build:
      • Root POM:pom.xml
      • Goals and options : clean install package

Adding Deployment Steps

in this port we are going to install 'deploy to container' plugin. this is need to deploy on tomcat server which we are using.

  • Install maven plugin without restart
    • Manage Jenkins > Jenkins Plugins > available > deploy to container

To deploy our build artifacts on tomcat server our Jenkins server need access. For this we should setup credentials. This option is available in Jenkins home page

  • setup credentials
    • credentials > jenkins > Global credentials > add credentials
      • Username : deployer
      • Password : XXXXXXX
      • id : Tomcat_user
      • Description: Tomcat user to deploy on tomcat server

Modify the same job which created in part-01 and add deployment steps.

  • Post Steps
    • Deploy war/ear to container
      • WAR/EAR files : **/*.war
      • Containers : Tomcat 8.x
        • Credentials: Tomcat_user (which created in above step)
        • Tomcat URL : http://<PUBLIC_IP>:<PORT_NO>

Save and run the job now.

Continuous Integration & Continuous Deployment (CI/CD)

Now job is running fine but to make this as Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment Tod do that go back and modify job as below.

  • Build Triggers
    • Poll SCM
      • schedule */2 * * * *

Save the job and modify the code in GitHub. Then you could see your job get trigger a build without any manual intervention.

Simple DevOps Project-2 | CI/CD pipeline using GIT, Jenkins & Ansible


  1. Ansible server
  2. Jenkins Server
  3. Tocmat Server

Integration Setps

Install "publish Over SSH"

  • Manage Jenkins > Manage Plugins > Available > Publish over SSH

Enable connection between Ansible and Jenkins

  • Manage Jenkins > Configure System > Publish Over SSH > SSH Servers

    • SSH Servers:
      • Hostname:<ServerIP>
      • username: ansadm
      • password: *******

Test the connection "Test Connection"

Execute job to connect

create a copywarfile.yml on Ansible under /opt/playbooks

# copywarfile.yml
- hosts: all 
  become: true
    - name: copy jar/war onto tomcat servers
          src: /op/playbooks/wabapp/target/webapp.war
          dest: /opt/apache-tomcat-8.5.32/webapps

Add tomcat server details to /etc/ansible/hosts (if you are using other hosts file update server info there)

echo "<server_IP>" >> /etc/ansible/hosts

Create Jenkins job, Fill the following details,

  • Source Code Management:

    • Repository:
    • Branches to build : */master
  • Build:

    • Root POM:pom.xml
    • Goals and options : clean install package
  • Add post-build steps

    • Send files or execute commands over SSH
      • SSH Server : ansible_server
      • Source fiels: webapp/target/*.war
      • Remote directory: //opt//playbooks
  • Add post-build steps

    • Send files or execute commands over ssH
      • SSH Server : ansible_server
      • Exec command ansible-playbook /opt/playbooks/copywarfile.yml

Execute job and you should be able to seen build has been deployed on Tomcat server.