
Census cartography files available in GeoJSON format (various geographies and vintages from 1990 - 2019)

Primary LanguageClojure

CitySDK Source Subtree

This is the source for the actual NPM library citysdk. This is a ClojureScript project and has a few quirks that need to be handled in order to:


The development environment I use(d) to create this library is:

  • Intellij IDEA Community Edition (with the Cursive plugin)
  • VSCode (with CLJ Kondo and Calva extensions)
  • The shadow-cljs npm devDependency, which serves to transpile the ClojureScript into JavaScript and enables using the JS runtime

The shadow-cljs build tool is actually much more than that. It's maintained by a single person and has to do a lot of heavy lifting. Thank you @thheller!

Here are the steps for Development in VSCode:

  1. Start a REPL server in terminal: shadow-cljs node-repl
  2. ctrl + shift + p to pull up the tasks in VSCode
  3. Find: Calva: Connect to a Running REPL Server in the Project
  4. Proceed throught the Calva dialogs:
    • select a project type: shadow-cljs
    • add port to nREPL: localhost:3333
    • select which build to connect to: node-repl
  5. If in the Utils, make sure to toggle the comment off for the non $default node-fetch requirement
  6. Go into the file you wish to evaluate and right-click to find: Load/Evaluate Current file and its Requires/Dependencies


There are some issues to be aware of that need to be understood in order for these steps to succeed in a cross-platform build (currently Node and the Browser using ES Modules)

1. Coding Time:

ES Modules aren't currently supported in native ClojureScript. The Cljs ecosystem still uses require (instead of import), so in order for this library to play nice in modern ES environments, some compromises were made:

  • isomorphic-unfetch uses an older version of node-fetch which uses require.
  • In ./src/census/utils/core.cljc you'll see in all caps FIXME: when bundling for ESM, use the $default version. This needs to be done before the next step, but during development (when using the REPL), the $default flag needs to be removed

2. Build Time: shadow-cljs release lib

Before building for npm, add the $default flag back to the require statement for isomorphic-unfetch

Once this is done you can npm run build