This is meant to be a chess program made for the purpose of developing an AI.
To start playing the game in two player mode just enter a move for white (the uppercase letters) then continue playing as black entering a move.
Moves are entered as such: first enter the the letter followed by the number of square the piece you wish to move is on.
Next, enter the coordinates of the position you'd like to move to in the same way.
So if you'd like to move to the pawn on C2 to C3 you would type C2C3.
To start the AI at the beginning either type aiupper or ailower depending on which pieces you would like the AI to control.
To save the game type the word save when it is your turn.
To resume a saved game type the word resume.
To start a new game type the words new game.
To exit a game type the word quit.
The game logging file can be found in the folder in which the game is run from. You can view past moves there. Can be used for debugging purposes.
Opening book added to the AI making it run faster during early game.
- Implement bitboards for fasting moves on the AIs behalf.
- Work more on the GUI with SDL found in the Chess-Program-GUI--SDL- repository.