
Getting No operations defined in spec! or Typescript error depending on my apis[] settings

Nikola-Milovic opened this issue · 1 comments

Trying to get swaggerjsdocs work with my express typescript setup. I either get No operations defined in spec! and no error or I get TypeError: Cannot convert undefined or null to object depending on what path I try and use for my apis[] setting

TypeError: Cannot convert undefined or null to object

When trying to use swaggerjsdocs. My setup is Typescript in the src folder and dist for the compiled js.

folder structure


// Express configuration
app.set("port", process.env.PORT || 3000);
app.use(express.urlencoded({ extended: true }));



const swaggerOptions = {
  swaggerDefinition: {
    openapi: "3.0.0",
    info: {
      title: "REST API",
      version: "1.0.0",
  apis: [ "dist/controllers/*.controller.js"],

const swaggerDocs = swaggerJsDoc(swaggerOptions);
app.use("/api-docs", swaggerUi.serve, swaggerUi.setup(swaggerDocs));

export default app;

My server.ts
const server = app.listen(app.get("port"),


import controllers...

export default function (app: express.Express): void {
  const auth = authMiddleware();
  app.use("/api/test/account", TestController);
  app.use("/api/example/", ExampleController);

And my controllers are

const router = express.Router();"/something", async (req, res) => {
  try {
    const iid: string = req.body["id"];
  } catch (e) {

export const TestController = router;

Preferably I'd point the swaggerDocs towards my routes/routes.ts and it would know what to do, if that's not possible I'll remove the routes/routes.ts all together. I tried pointing to routes/routes.ts, routes.js, *controllers.ts, *.controller.js,

And for the filepath I tried ${__dirname}/dist and src, (both the ts and js files), ./, full path and so on. Nothing has worked so far, I either get the above error or I don't get any output

Hi @Nikola-Milovic

Can you provide a repo reproducing your problem to us to try to understand it better?