Generates swagger/openapi specification based on jsDoc comments and YAML files.
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Deprecation warnings
#402 opened by dbteku - 1
Shall we make a vscode extension?
#396 opened by fyc09 - 5
vulnerability issue with inflight @1.0.6
#277 opened by KusumaShekarN - 1
- 3
Find alternative for concat-map as it is EOL
#386 opened by pratikkpatil - 3
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Is it possible to generate a swagger.json file?
#380 opened by ronaldl29 - 1
TypeError: s is not a constructor (using DENO)
#384 opened by bjoernwuest - 1
totally does not load on production
#379 opened by m0x61h0x64i - 4
- 3
Please update the 'yaml' dependency version to 2.1.0 to fix CVE-2023-2251 Vulnerability
#377 opened by Prateeks91 - 1
I would like to be able to pass a flag to the cli tool to fail if errors are found
#370 opened by vidhill - 3
OpenAPI 3 root level security not supported
#322 opened by airedwin - 3
Swagger ui blank screen (related issue?)
#288 opened by tamis-laan - 2
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Vulnerability with dependency yaml@2.0.0-1
#361 opened by ankit201206 - 7
Display custom headers in resuable way (Components/parameters) with different field for each header in swagger ui express
#364 opened by AqibFayyazShaheer - 3
Where are the update notes?
#357 opened by bdharrington7 - 2
node_modules/swagger-jsdoc/src/specification.js:141 for (const definition of Object.keys(annotation[property])) Cannot convert undefined or null to object
#289 opened by daniel-aluna - 1
Wrong "Supported Specifications" list in the README
#354 opened by aderchox - 3
webpack documentation
#321 opened by airedwin - 1
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Run command swagger-jsdoc shows "You must provide sources for reading API files."
#294 opened by keke78ui9 - 3
Bug: Cannot read property 'schemas' of undefined
#332 opened by yunibas-cto - 0
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Cannot generate AsyncAPI 2.0.0 documentation
#330 opened by cvalb - 2
Square Bracket in JSDoc @param issue
#329 opened by sephentos - 1
Separate annotation to different files
#335 opened by Tamir198 - 1 gives error
#334 opened by m0x61h0x64i - 4
github action to ask if allow to do the npm publish
#317 opened by daniloab - 1
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Options to pass components Schema to swaggerJsdoc
#311 opened by InfoDevkota - 7
customfavIcon does not work
#309 opened by DinoscapeProgramming - 1
Vulnerability with dependency swagger-parser v10.0.2
#287 opened by bbakersc - 2
Improve Syntax Error reporting
#282 opened by lamuertepeluda - 6
Expose OpenAPI specification file via endpoint
#279 opened by converge - 2
Load servers and info from yaml files
#285 opened by information-security - 1
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Question: how to use `failOnErrors` with CLI?
#278 opened by taschetto - 0
Does validation by `swagger-parser` actually work?
#284 opened by mhassan1 - 1
Getting No operations defined in spec! or Typescript error depending on my apis[] settings
#281 opened by Nikola-Milovic - 1
Swagger jsdoc not reading api's path and not generating api's after deployment with next js
#276 opened by devanshsinghvaluecoders