
Is it possible to generate a swagger.json file?

ronaldl29 opened this issue · 3 comments

I am loading my *.routes.api.js files like this:

const swaggerJsdoc = require('swagger-jsdoc');

const options = {
  definition: {
    openapi: '3.0.0',
    info: {
      title: 'Hello World',
      version: '1.0.0',
  apis: ['./src/routes*.js'], // files containing annotations as above

const openapiSpecification = swaggerJsdoc(options);

I would like to export this to a swagger.json file. Is it possible with this package?

Check this out.

$ npx swagger-jsdoc     
Usage: swagger-jsdoc [options] <path ...>

  -V, --version                            output the version number
  -d, --definition <swaggerDefinition.js>  Input swagger definition.
  -o, --output [swaggerSpec.json]          Output swagger specification.
  -h, --help                               display help for command
# $ npx swagger-jsdoc -d <<definition-file>> -o swagger.json <<your-api-entry-point>>
$ npx swagger-jsdoc -d swagger.js -o swagger.json index.js

while running it can be done like this:

import { writeFile } from 'fs/promises';

writeFile('swagger.json', JSON.stringify(openapiSpecification, null, 2), 'utf-8');
stale commented

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