
Data Analyst Course

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Udacity Data Analyst Program

The Data Analyst Nanodegree program is specifically designed for a career in Data Science. As a Data Analyst, you are responsible for obtaining, analyzing, and effectively reporting on data insights ranging from business metrics to user behavior and product performance. This program’s curriculum was developed with leading industry partners to ensure students master the most cutting-edge curriculum. Graduates will emerge fully prepared for this amazing career.

Industry Partners : Facebook and MongoDB


Surya's Cheat Sheet
Adams Markdown Cheat Sheet
Numpy and Pandas Cheat Sheet
Jupyter Notebooks Keyboard Shortcuts
Built In Magic Commands
Code Mentor for Python Code

Finished Chapters

Statistics : Completed

Lesson 1: Intro to Research Methods - Completed
Lesson 2: Visualizing Data - Completed
Lesson 3: Central Tendency - Completed
Lesson 4: Variability - Completed
Lesson 5: Standardizing - Completed
Lesson 6: Normal Distribution - Completed
Lesson 7: Sampling Distributions - Completed
Lesson 8: Estimation - Completed
Lesson 9: Hypothesis Testing - Completed
Lesson 10a: t-Tests - Completed
Lesson 10b: t-Tests - Completed
Lesson 11: t-Tests - Completed

Chapter Project :

Statistics Project : Investigate a Perceptual Phenomenon Called the Stroop Effect ( Click here for Pdf ) : Review of Project

Investigate a Dataset : Completed

Practice Python Notebook : Investigate a Dataset about Udacity Enrollments

Lesson 1 : Anaconda1 - Completed
Lesson 2 : Jupyter notebooks - Completed
Lesson 3 : Data Analysis Process - Completed
Lesson 4 : NumPy and Pandas for 1D Data - Completed
Lesson 5 : NumPy and Pandas for 2D Data - Completed

Chapter Project :

Investigate a Dataset : Investigate Titanic Data and Find the factors that made people more likely to survive?

Data Wrangling : Completed

Lesson 1 : Data Extraction Fundamentals - Completed
Lesson 2 : Data in more Complex Formats - Completed
Lesson 3 : Data Quality - Completed
Lesson 4 : Data and Tables - Completed
Lesson 5 : Elements of SQL - Completed
Lesson 6 : Deeper Into SQL - Completed

Chapter Project :

OpenStreetMap Data Wrangling : City of Oshawa - Open Streetmaps XML Data Wrangling

Machine Learning Algorithms :

Lesson 1: Naive Bayes - Completed
Lesson 2 : Support Vector Machines - Completed
Lesson 3 : Decision Trees - Completed
Lesson 4 : Regressions - Completed
Lesson 5 : Outliers - Completed
Lesson 6 : Clustering - Completed
Lessson 7 : Feature Scaling - Completed
Lesson 8 : Principal Component Analysis - Completed
Lesson 9 : Text Learning - Completed
Lesson 10 : Feature Selection - Completed

Chapter Project : In Progress

Identify Fraud From Enron Email :