Road Accident Dashboard Analytics

Road Accident Dashboard Analytics

Welcome to the Road Accident Dashboard Analytics project! This interactive Tableau dashboard provides insightful data analytics on road accidents in the United Kingdom from 2019 to 2022. The project utilizes an open-source dataset to visualize and analyze accident trends, helping to identify patterns, hotspots, and potential areas for improvement in road safety.


  • Interactive Dashboard: Explore the data through an interactive and user-friendly Tableau dashboard.
  • Accident Trends: Analyze road accident trends over the specified time period, identifying patterns and changes.
  • Geospatial Visualization: Visualize accident hotspots on an interactive map, providing a geographical perspective.
  • Filtering and Drill-Down: Filter and drill down into specific regions, dates, or accident types for detailed analysis.
  • Data Insights: Gain valuable insights into factors such as accident severity, contributing factors, and time of occurrence.
  • Visual Analytics: Utilize various charts, graphs, and visualizations to effectively communicate and present the data.


The project utilizes an open-source dataset containing road accident data for the United Kingdom from 2019 to 2022. The dataset includes information such as accident location, date and time, severity, contributing factors, and more. Link for the dataset 👉 DATASET


I would like to express my gratitude to the creators of Tableau for providing a powerful and intuitive platform for data visualization and analytics. Their contribution has made this project possible.


Please note that the data used in this project is based on an open-source dataset and is intended for analytical and informational purposes only. The insights and findings presented in the dashboard should not be considered official or conclusive. Always refer to official sources for accurate and up-to-date road accident information.