Microservice-Architechture Updated

Microservices implementation from scratch

  • npx create-react-app client

  • mkdir posts

    • cd posts
    • npm init
    • npm install express cors axios nodemon
  • mkdir comments

    • cd comments
    • npm init
    • npm install express cors axios nodemon
  • Posts

    • GET : /posts
    • POST : /posts -Comments
    • GET : /posts/:id/comments
    • POST : /posts/:id/comments - Create a comment associated with given Post ID
  • Now, I want you to understand that this idea of a user making a change and not seeing that immediately reflected, that's something that's going to come up all the time in this idea of micro services. Moderation Service being monitored by human.

  • Namespacing: Isolating resources per process or group of processes.

  • Control Groups (cgroups) : limit amount of resources used per processes

  • container is a running process, along with a subset of physical resources on your computer are allocated to that process.

  • an image is really kind of a snapshot of the file system, along with a very specific Start-Up