
Temperate Alert Agent using uagents

Primary LanguagePython

Temperature Alert Agent

This project was sent for Techfest Competition HackAI Zonals.

Project Details

Your challenge is to create the Temperature Alert Agent using uAgent library, a tool that:

  1. Connects to a free weather API to fetch real-time temperatures for the specified location.

  2. Lets users set their preferred temperature range (e.g., a minimum and maximum temperature) and location.

  3. Sends an alert/notification to the user when the current temperature in their chosen location goes below the minimum or above the maximum threshold they've set.

Setting up the Project

Step 1. Prerequisites

  • Make sure you have python installed in your system by running python --version on your terminal.

  • Install poetry on your system by running

    pip install poetry

Step 2. Cloning the Project

  • Run the command on your terminal git clone <repository_url>

  • Replace <repository_url> with the actual URL of the project's Git repository.

  • Now navigate to the Project Directory by running cd project_directory

Step 3. Creating a Virtual environment

  • Inside the project directory, your should create a virtual environment using Poetry:

    poetry install

    This command reads the project's pyproject.toml file and sets up a virtual environment with the required dependencies.

  • Now activate the poetry shell using the following command.

    poetry shell

Step 4. Generating a MongoDb connection String to use in the .env file (Mentioned in the next point)

  • Go to MongoDb and create a new account. Answer the basic questions and click on finish

  • Choose M0 databse configuration.

  • Make a username and password and click on create user

  • Add a new IP Address and click on create entry

  • Click on create and close go the Overview.

  • You will be taken to a overview page.

  • Now click on Connect and click on drivers and select the driver "Python".

  • Copy your connection string and Replace <password> with the password for the your account made in one of the above steps.

Step 5. Setting up the .env file

  • Create an account on OpenWeatherMap and get an Api Key.

    How to get an API key from OpenWeather-

    • Visit OpenWeatherMap and create a new account or Sign-in to your account.

    • Select My API keys and generate an API Key

    • Now copy the key.

    • For more queries visit API documentation .

  • Create a file in the project directory named .env and paste the following code in it.

    EMAIL_SENDER = "<email_of_sendor>"
    EMAIL_PASSWORD = "<sendor_email_password>"
  • Replace <your_api_key_here> with your your api key

  • Replace <email_sendor> with the email you want to send the alert from

  • Replace <sendor_email_password> with password for the that gmail account to help authenticate the account

    If you don't know how to generate app passwords for your google account refer to this link

  • Replace <your_seed_here> with a name of choice.

    Example - TEMPERATURE_SEED="temperature"

  • Replace the <your_connection_string> with your mongodb connection string you generated in the last point

Step 6. Run the main script

py src/main.py

Copy the Temperature agent address printed in the console.We are going to need it in step 7.

Step 7.Set up the client script

Now that we have set up the integrations, we need to set up the client script to communicate with our temperature agent.

To do this, create a new Python file in the project folder called client.py, and paste the following:

from dotenv import load_dotenv

import os

from uagents import Agent, Context
from uagents.setup import fund_agent_if_low

from src.messages import (


main_agent = Agent(


async def send_temperature_request(ctx: Context):
    """await ctx.send(
        "<temperaure_agent_address>",  # Address of the temperature agent
    # passing email is not needed if sends_to list doesn't have SendsTo.EMAIL
    await ctx.send(
            sends_to=[SendsTo.EMAIL, SendsTo.AGENT],
    # if sends_to list contains SendsTo.EMAIL, then passing email is mandatory

async def receive_update(ctx: Context, sender: str, message: UAgentResponse):
    if message.type == UAgentResponseType.MESSAGE:
        ctx.logger.info(f"{sender}: {message.message}")
    elif message.type == UAgentResponseType.ERROR:
        ctx.logger.error(f"{sender}: {message.message}")

async def receive_warning(ctx: Context, sender: str, message: TemperatureWarn):
    # Client can do anything with the data received

    thershold = {
        TemperatureCondition.LOW: message.minimum_temperature,
        TemperatureCondition.HIGH: message.maximum_temperature,
        f"Temperature at {message.location} is {message.temperature}\n"
        f"{message.condition.value.title()}er than the set threshold of {thershold[message.condition]}!"

if __name__ == "__main__":

This Script will send Temperature Request to the data listed below.

Make sure to replace the yourmail@gmail.com to receive alert mails.

Replace the <temperaure_agent_address> with the address copied in step 6.

You can edit other fields as per your choice fields in the above code.

This snippet is the part of the above code to help demonstrate better.

    await ctx.send(
            sends_to=[SendsTo.EMAIL, SendsTo.AGENT],

Step 8.Run the client script

py client.py