
Secure File Storage on Cloud using Hybrid Cryptography

Primary LanguagePython


Secure File Storage on Cloud using Hybrid Cryptography


Traditional storage devices such as flash drives, hard disks and other kinds of physical storage devices are slowly becoming obsolete. The reason for this is that, on the business front, global expansion of companies requires data to be shared amongst employees for collaborative working. On the user's personal usage front, many users nowadays have multiple devices, such as one or more mobile/cell phones, tabs, laptops, desktop PCs etc. Hence cloud storage provides a way to access one's personal data across all of one's personal devices.


  • The ultimate objective of the project is to develop both AES and RSA to be low power,
  • The Application is deployed on the Cloud and for the secure transmission of the data we will be using ECC Algorithm in our project because of its advantages in terms of CPU utilization,
  • To get high-throughput, cryptography algorithm.
  • real-time, reliable and extremely secure cryptography algorithm.
  • To make secure file storage in cloud computing using hybrid cryptography.

Existing System

Due to dynamic scalability, service and location transparency features of cloud computing model, all kinds of applications and data of the cloud platform have no fixed infrastructure and security boundaries. In the event of security breach, it is difficult to isolate a particular resource that has been compromised. According to service delivery models of cloud computing, resources and cloud services may be owned by multiple providers. As there is a conflict of interest, it is difficult to deploy a unified security measure. Due to the openness of cloud and sharing virtualized resources by multitenant, user data may be accessed by other unauthorized users


The primary goal of this project is to provide and simulate an effective solution to face the challenges and solve security issues that exists in cloud computing.

The Information is being transmitted via the network therefore security is one of the main problems or issue. The Application is deployed on the Cloud and for the secure transmission of the data we will be using ECC Algorithm in our project because of its advantages in terms of CPU utilization, time for Encryption and Key Size.

This Project will explore the deployment of Application on the Cloud and increases the security level by implementing ECC & ECDH Algorithm, and AES Algorithm for secure file handling and Encryption.

Problem Description

  • Security breaches are rarely caused by poor cloud data protection. More than 40% of data security breaches occur due to employee error. Improve user security to make storage more secure.
  • Cloud-based internet security is an outsourced solution for storing data. Instead of saving data onto local hard drives, user store data on Internet-connected servers.
  • Data Centers manage these servers to keep the data safe and secure to access. Cloud-based solutions are increasingly in demand around the world. These solutions include everything from secure data storage to entire business processes.


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How to run

  1. Setup an AWS Account
  2. Create Credentials
  3. Enter Public and Private key into the Boto3 and setup email in hybrid.py
  4. Run main.py


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Email You recieve

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Future Enhancement

  • Using steganography to hide the key in image and mailing that image insted of simple text mail.
  • Not only encrypting the content of the file but also encrypting the whole format of the file itself.
  • Login function for end users
  • to apply this is picture and video files
  • secure the key with finger print technology

Explore it!

Explore it and twist it to your own use case, in case of any question feel free to reach me out directly suryansh.may@gmail.com .


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