
Use this Repository to onboard new applications successfully to Azure AD and add credentials to the application, add additional application roles and assign them to groups, create access packages with the necessary assignment policy to assign the application roles to Tenant users.

Primary LanguageHCLMIT LicenseMIT



Name Version
terraform >= 0.13.0
azuread ~> 2.47.0


Name Version
azuread ~> 2.47.0
random n/a
time n/a


No modules.


Name Type
azuread_access_package.application_roles resource
azuread_access_package_assignment_policy.example resource
azuread_access_package_catalog.example resource
azuread_access_package_resource_catalog_association.example_groups resource
azuread_access_package_resource_package_association.azuread_access_package_resource_catalog_association resource
azuread_app_role_assignment.example_administer resource
azuread_application.example resource
azuread_application_api_access.example_resource_access resource
azuread_application_app_role.example_administer resource
azuread_application_optional_claims.example resource
azuread_application_password.example resource
azuread_claims_mapping_policy.my_policy resource
azuread_group.example_administer_group resource
azuread_service_principal.example resource
azuread_service_principal_certificate.example resource
azuread_service_principal_claims_mapping_policy_assignment.app resource
random_uuid.example resource
time_rotating.example resource
azuread_application_published_app_ids.well_known data source
azuread_client_config.current data source
azuread_group.example_approver_group data source
azuread_service_principal.msgraph data source
azuread_user.owner data source


Name Description Type Default Required
access_package_assignment_policy_approval_required Whether approval is required for access package assignment policy. bool false no
access_package_assignment_policy_duration_in_days The duration in days for access package assignment policy. number 14 no
access_token The access token configuration.
name = string
essential = bool
source = string
additional_properties = list(string)
null no
access_token_issuance_enabled Whether access token issuance is enabled. bool false no
api_access The required API access Permission for the application.
api_client_id = string
role_ids = list(string)
scope_ids = list(string)
null no
app_role_assignment_required Whether app role assignment is required. bool true no
app_roles The roles assigned to the application.
description = string
display_name = string
value = string
[] no
approver_group_name The name of the approver group for access package assignment policy. string "Administrators" no
claims_mapping_policy The claims mapping policy for the application.
claims_schema = list(object({
id = string
jwt_claim_type = string
Saml_Claim_Type = string
source = string
include_basic_claim_set = string
version = number
null no
client_secret_rotation_days The number of days after which client secret will be rotated. number 14 no
description The description of the application. string null no
display_name The display name of the application. string n/a yes
generate_catalog_access_package Whether to generate a catalog access package for the application. bool false no
generate_certificate Whether to generate a certificate for the application. bool false no
generate_secret Whether to generate a secret for the application. bool false no
id_token The ID token configuration.
name = string
essential = bool
source = string
additional_properties = list(string)
null no
id_token_issuance_enabled Whether ID token issuance is enabled. bool false no
identifier_uris The URIs that identify the application. list(string) n/a yes
object_owner_upn The UPN of the object owner. string n/a yes
path_to_logo_image The path to the logo image of the application. string null no
preferred_single_sign_on_mode The preferred single sign-on mode. string "notSupported" no
relay_state The relay state for single sign-on. string null no
saml2_token The SAML2 token configuration.
name = string
essential = bool
source = string
additional_properties = list(string)
null no
sign_in_audience The audience for the sign-in request. string "AzureADMyOrg" no


Name Description
access_package The access package associated with the application.
application_group The Azure AD group associated with the application.
azuread_access_package_resource_package_association The association between the access package and the resource package in Azure AD.
azuread_application The Azure AD application.
azuread_application_secret The Azure AD application secret Object.

Usage Example

data "azuread_application_published_app_ids" "well_known" {}

data "azuread_service_principal" "msgraph" {
  client_id = data.azuread_application_published_app_ids.well_known.result["MicrosoftGraph"]

data "azuread_service_principal" "TestAPI" {
  client_id = "6e3df5f1-974f-4305-9361-948f43cc43dd"

data "azuread_domains" "example" {
  only_initial = true

module "test_application" {
  source = "./modules/EntraIDApplication"

  display_name       = "Test Application"
  identifier_uris    = ["https://test-application"]
  sign_in_audience   = "AzureADMyOrg"
  path_to_logo_image = "GCN3.png"
  app_roles = [
      description  = "Test Application Role"
      display_name = "Test Application"
      value        = "TestApplication Role"
      description  = "Test Application Role2"
      display_name = "Test Application Role 2"
      value        = "TestApplicationRole2"
  app_role_assignment_required  = true
  description                   = "Test Application Description"
  preferred_single_sign_on_mode = "saml"
  claims_mapping_policy = {
    claims_schema = [
        id              = "id"
        jwt_claim_type  = "name"
        Saml_Claim_Type = "name"
        source          = "user"
    include_basic_claim_set = "true"
    version                 = "1"

  generate_certificate                               = false
  generate_secret                                    = false
  generate_catalog_access_package                    = true
  approver_group_name                                = "Assigned Group"
  access_package_assignment_policy_approval_required = true
  object_owner_upn                                   = "SuryenduB@03z3s.onmicrosoft.com"
  api_access = [{
    api_client_id = data.azuread_application_published_app_ids.well_known.result["MicrosoftGraph"]
    role_ids = [data.azuread_service_principal.msgraph.app_role_ids["Group.Read.All"],
    scope_ids = [


      api_client_id = data.azuread_service_principal.TestAPI.client_id
      role_ids = [

      scope_ids = [



output "access_package" {
  value = module.test_application.access_package

output "access_package_url" {
    value = [
      for access_package in module.test_application.access_package : "https://myaccess.microsoft.com/@${data.azuread_domains.example.domains.0.domain_name}#/access-packages/${access_package.id}"

output "azuread_application_id" {
  value = module.test_application.azuread_application.application_id

output "azuread_application_client_id" {
  value = module.test_application.azuread_application.client_id

output "azuread_application_object_id" {
  value = module.test_application.azuread_application.object_id