Gulp exercise

Gulp is a useful tool for front-end automation, so does npm script
This exericse is to make a gulpfile and install some plugins, also using a little bit npm script

origin code in folder "eg from build-podcast"

gulp plugins includes:
  • gulp-minify-css/gulp-clean-css :to compress css file
  • gulp-rename : to rename file, eg: add '.min'
  • gulp-uglify :to compress js file
  • del :to delete old file before reload
  • gulp-jshint : check syntax
  • gulp-plumber : check syntax and debug without stop

Relevant resource:

  1. !!!AWESOME node school
  2. gulp homepage
  3. gulp cheatsheet
  4. getting start with gulp
  5. advanced gulpfile

gulp exercise code:

mkdir gulp-exercise
npm init

//1-1 install
npm install gulp -g 
npm install gulp --save-dev

//1-2 create css/style.css

//1-3 install gulp-minify-css
npm install --save-dev gulp-minify-css

//1-4 create gulpfile.js then will create assets/style.css
gulp style

//1-5 create index.html & js/script.js

//1-6 install uglify
npm install gulp-uglify --save-dev
// update gulpfile & group gulp task into default

//1-7 install del
npm install del --save-dev
// update gulpfile
gulp delete

//1-8 install rename
npm install gulp-rename --save-dev
// update gulpfile & asset/all files will have suffix:min

//1-9 install jshint
npm install gulp-jshint --save-dev

//1-10 install plumber