
Complete framework to facilitate music commands using discord.js v14 & v13.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Discord Music Player

npm npm CodeFactor Grade

Note: This is the v9 version of Discord Music Player for Discord.JS v14 & v13!

Discord Music Player is a powerful Node.js module that allows you to easily implement music commands. Everything is customizable, and everything can be done using this package - there are no limitations!

This package supports YouTube Videos & Playlists, Spotify Songs & Playlists, Apple Music Songs & Playlists. Package from version v7.0.0 is fully maintained by SushiBtw.



Node.JS v16 or newer is required to run this module.

npm install --save discord-music-player

Install @discordjs/opus:

npm install --save @discordjs/opus

Install FFMPEG!


Discord Music Player documentation: https://discord-music-player.js.org/

Need some help?

Feel free to join Discord-Music-Player Discord Server and ask us about DMP.

Getting Started

The code bellow, will show you how to use DMP in your code.

Please define your Player after the client/bot definition.

[!] Remember to include the related voice Intents at the client options. [!]

const Discord = require("discord.js");
const client = new Discord.Client({
    // intents: [GatewayIntentBits.Guilds, GatewayIntentBits.GuildMessages, GatewayIntentBits.GuildVoiceStates] for discord.js v14
const settings = {
    prefix: '!',
    token: 'YourBotTokenHere'

const { Player } = require("discord-music-player");
const player = new Player(client, {
    leaveOnEmpty: false, // This options are optional.
// You can define the Player as *client.player* to easily access it.
client.player = player;

client.on("ready", () => {
    console.log("I am ready to Play with DMP 🎶");


Example Usage

const { RepeatMode } = require('discord-music-player');

client.on('messageCreate', async (message) => {
    const args = message.content.slice(settings.prefix.length).trim().split(/ +/g);
    const command = args.shift();
    let guildQueue = client.player.getQueue(message.guild.id);

    if(command === 'play') {
        let queue = client.player.createQueue(message.guild.id);
        await queue.join(message.member.voice.channel);
        let song = await queue.play(args.join(' ')).catch(err => {

    if(command === 'playlist') {
        let queue = client.player.createQueue(message.guild.id);
        await queue.join(message.member.voice.channel);
        let song = await queue.playlist(args.join(' ')).catch(err => {

    if(command === 'skip') {

    if(command === 'stop') {

    if(command === 'removeLoop') {
        guildQueue.setRepeatMode(RepeatMode.DISABLED); // or 0 instead of RepeatMode.DISABLED

    if(command === 'toggleLoop') {
        guildQueue.setRepeatMode(RepeatMode.SONG); // or 1 instead of RepeatMode.SONG

    if(command === 'toggleQueueLoop') {
        guildQueue.setRepeatMode(RepeatMode.QUEUE); // or 2 instead of RepeatMode.QUEUE

    if(command === 'setVolume') {

    if(command === 'seek') {
        guildQueue.seek(parseInt(args[0]) * 1000);

    if(command === 'clearQueue') {

    if(command === 'shuffle') {

    if(command === 'getQueue') {

    if(command === 'getVolume') {

    if(command === 'nowPlaying') {
        console.log(`Now playing: ${guildQueue.nowPlaying}`);

    if(command === 'pause') {

    if(command === 'resume') {

    if(command === 'remove') {

    if(command === 'createProgressBar') {
        const ProgressBar = guildQueue.createProgressBar();
        // [======>              ][00:35/2:20]

    if(command === 'move'){
        guildQueue.move(parseInt(args[0]), parseInt(args[1]));


// Init the event listener only once (at the top of your code).
    // Emitted when channel was empty.
    .on('channelEmpty',  (queue) =>
        console.log(`Everyone left the Voice Channel, queue ended.`))
    // Emitted when a song was added to the queue.
    .on('songAdd',  (queue, song) =>
        console.log(`Song ${song} was added to the queue.`))
    // Emitted when a playlist was added to the queue.
    .on('playlistAdd',  (queue, playlist) =>
        console.log(`Playlist ${playlist} with ${playlist.songs.length} was added to the queue.`))
    // Emitted when there was no more music to play.
    .on('queueDestroyed',  (queue) =>
        console.log(`The queue was destroyed.`))
    // Emitted when the queue was destroyed (either by ending or stopping).    
    .on('queueEnd',  (queue) =>
        console.log(`The queue has ended.`))
    // Emitted when a song changed.
    .on('songChanged', (queue, newSong, oldSong) =>
        console.log(`${newSong} is now playing.`))
    // Emitted when a first song in the queue started playing.
    .on('songFirst',  (queue, song) =>
        console.log(`Started playing ${song}.`))
    // Emitted when someone disconnected the bot from the channel.
    .on('clientDisconnect', (queue) =>
        console.log(`I was kicked from the Voice Channel, queue ended.`))
    // Emitted when deafenOnJoin is true and the bot was undeafened
    .on('clientUndeafen', (queue) =>
        console.log(`I got undefeanded.`))
    // Emitted when a song was moved in the queue to a new position
    .on('songMoved', (queue, song, oldIndex, newIndex) =>
        console.log(`Song ${song} was moved from ${oldIndex} to ${newIndex}.`))
    // Emitted when there was an error in runtime
    .on('error', (error, queue) => {
        console.log(`Error: ${error} in ${queue.guild.name}`);

Passing custom data


While running the Queue#createQueue() method you can pass a options#data object to hold custom data. This can be made in two ways:

// Pass custom data
await player.createQueue(message.guild.id, {
    data: {
        queueInitMessage: message,
        myObject: 'this will stay with the queue :)',
        more: 'add more... there are no limitations...'
// Or by using
    whatever: 'you want :D'

// Access custom data
let queue = player.getQueue(message.guild.id);
let initMessage = queue.data.queueInitMessage;
await initMessage.channel.send(`This message object is hold in Queue :D`);

Song or Playlist

While running the Queue#play()/Queue#playlist() method you can pass a options#data object to hold custom data. This can be made in two ways:

// Play the song
let song = await queue.play('Born in the USA!');
// Set song data
    initMessage: message

// Play the playlist
let playlist = await queue.playlist('https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLDLGxnP4y2mGKGEqwxWTRkd3HtrrVTMdU');
// Set playlist data (will set data for each song in the playlist)
    initMessage: message

// Access custom data
let queue = player.getQueue(message.guild.id);
let { initMessage } = queue.nowPlaying.data;
await initMessage.channel.send(`This message object is hold in Song :D`);

Example bots made with this package