Primary LanguageJava


Part B Programs

1. Adaptor (Structural)


Adaptor (Structural): To establish the 1st Decathlon store in Mauritius, you go along with Mr. Satya Nadella, an expert in finding 3rd-party partners. For e.g. a 3rd-party TaxCalculator system to cater to the specifics of Sales and VAT (Value-added services Tax) tax calculations in different countries. He finds a 3rd-party Tax-Calculator system called ‘MauriTax’ in Port Louis. The problem is, the APIs used by ‘MauriTax’ for tax-calculation is fixed & cannot be changed. The ‘MauriTax’ APIs are incompatible with ‘Decathlon POS’. How will you use the Adaptor Pattern to design & implement?


// TaxCalculator.java
public interface TaxCalculator {
    public double calculateTax( int quantity, double price );
// MauriTax.java
public class MauriTax {
    public double mauriTax( double price, int quantity ) {
        return 0.14 * price * (double) quantity;
// GST.java
public class GST implements TaxCalculator {
    public double calculateTax( int quantity, double price ) {
        return 0.18 * price * (double) quantity;
// MauriTaxAdaptor.java
public class MauriTaxAdaptor implements TaxCalculator {
    private MauriTax mt = new MauriTax();

    public double calculateTax( int quantity, double price ) {
        return mt.mauriTax(price, quantity);
// Item.java
public class Item {
    private String name;
    private int quantity;
    private double price;

    public Item( String name, int quantity, double price ) {
        this.name = name;
        this.quantity = quantity;
        this.price = price;

    public double calculateTax( TaxCalculator tc ) {
        return tc.calculateTax(this.quantity, this.price);

    public double calculateTotal( TaxCalculator tc ) {
        return this.quantity * this.price + this.calculateTax(tc);
// ShoppingCart.java
import java.util.ArrayList;

public class ShoppingCart {
    private ArrayList<Item> items;
    private TaxCalculator tc;

    public ShoppingCart( TaxCalculator tc ) {
        this.items = new ArrayList<Item>();
        this.tc = tc;

    public void setTaxCalculator( TaxCalculator tc ) { this.tc = tc; }
    public TaxCalculator getTaxCalculator() { return this.tc; }

    public void setItems( ArrayList<Item> items ) { this.items = items; }
    public ArrayList<Item> getItems() { return this.items; }

    public void addItem( String name, int quantity, double price ) {
        items.add( new Item( name, quantity, price ) );

    public double calculateTax() {
        double tax = 0.0;
        for( Item item : items ) {
            tax += item.calculateTax(this.tc);
        return tax;

    public double checkout() {
        double total = 0.0;
        for( Item item: items ) {
            total += item.calculateTotal(this.tc);
        return total;
// Client.java
public class Client {
    public static void main( String[] args ) {
        ShoppingCart sc = new ShoppingCart(new GST());
        System.out.println( " ===== Using GST ===== ");
        System.out.println( "Tax with 0 items: " + sc.calculateTax() );
        System.out.println( "Total with 0 items: " + sc.checkout() );
        sc.addItem( "Cycle", 1, 15000.0 );
        sc.addItem( "GBA", 2, 10000.0 );
        System.out.println( "Tax with 2 items: " + sc.calculateTax() );
        System.out.println( "Total with 2 items: " + sc.checkout() );

        sc.setTaxCalculator(new MauriTaxAdaptor());
        System.out.println( " ===== Using MauriTaxAdaptor ===== ");
        System.out.println( "Tax with 0 items: " + sc.calculateTax() );
        System.out.println( "Total with 0 items: " + sc.checkout() );
        System.out.println( "Tax with 2 items: " + sc.calculateTax() );
        System.out.println( "Total with 2 items: " + sc.checkout() );

2. Strategy (Behavioural)


Strategy (Behavioural): How will you use the Strategy Pattern to tackle the limitations of traditional Object Oriented Design highlighted in PART A? The design must handle varying price-schemes having different pricing algorithms. Design & implement.


// Customer.java
public abstract class Customer {
    protected String name;
    protected int age;
    protected static double discount;
    public abstract double getDiscount();
    public abstract void setDiscount( double discount );
// RegularCustomer.java
public class RegularCustomer extends Customer {
    static {
        RegularCustomer.discount = 12.0;

    public double getDiscount() { return RegularCustomer.discount; }
    public void setDiscount( double discount ) { RegularCustomer.discount = discount; }

    public RegularCustomer( String name, int age ) {
        this.name = name;
        this.age = age;
// FirstTimeCustomer.java
public class FirstTimeCustomer extends Customer {
    static {
        FirstTimeCustomer.discount = 15.0;

    public double getDiscount() { return FirstTimeCustomer.discount; }
    public void setDiscount( double discount ) { FirstTimeCustomer.discount = discount; }

    public FirstTimeCustomer( String name, int age ) {
        this.name = name;
        this.age = age;
// SeniorCitizen.java
public class SeniorCitizen extends Customer {
    static {
        SeniorCitizen.discount = 10.0;
    public double getDiscount() { return SeniorCitizen.discount; }
    public void setDiscount( double discount ) { SeniorCitizen.discount = discount; }

    public SeniorCitizen( String name, int age ) {
        this.name = name;
        this.age = age;
// StoreLevelDiscount.java
public abstract class StoreLevelDiscount {
    protected double minimumPurchase;
    protected double discountAmount;

    public double getMinimumPurchase() { return this.minimumPurchase; }
    public void setMinimumPurchase( double minimumPurchase ) { this.minimumPurchase = minimumPurchase; }

    public double getDiscountAmount() { return this.discountAmount; }
    public void setDiscountAmount( double discountAmount ) { this.discountAmount = discountAmount; }

    public double applyDiscount( double price ) {
        if( price > minimumPurchase ) {
            return price - discountAmount;
        return price;
// DayOneStoreLevelDiscount.java
public class DayOneStoreLevelDiscount extends StoreLevelDiscount {
    public DayOneStoreLevelDiscount() {
        this.minimumPurchase = 2000.0;
        this.discountAmount = 100.0;
// DayTwoStoreLevelDiscount.java
public class DayTwoStoreLevelDiscount extends StoreLevelDiscount {
    public DayTwoStoreLevelDiscount() {
        this.minimumPurchase = 2500.0;
        this.discountAmount = 200.0;
// Client.java
public class Client {
    public static void main( String[] args ) {
        performPayment(1000.0, "Regular Customer", new RegularCustomer("A", 1), new DayOneStoreLevelDiscount());
        performPayment(3000.0, "Regular Customer", new RegularCustomer("B", 3), new DayTwoStoreLevelDiscount());
        performPayment(1000.0, "Senior Citizen", new SeniorCitizen("A", 1), new DayOneStoreLevelDiscount());
        performPayment(3000.0, "Senior Citizen", new SeniorCitizen("B", 3), new DayTwoStoreLevelDiscount());
        performPayment(1000.0, "First Time Customer", new FirstTimeCustomer("A", 1), new DayOneStoreLevelDiscount());
        performPayment(3000.0, "First Time Customer", new FirstTimeCustomer("B", 3), new DayTwoStoreLevelDiscount());

    public static void performPayment( double price, String customerType, Customer customer, StoreLevelDiscount storeLevelDiscount ) {
        price = storeLevelDiscount.applyDiscount(price);
        System.out.println( customerType + " discount = " + customer.getDiscount() + "%" );
        price = price * ( 1 - customer.getDiscount() / 100.0 );
        System.out.println( "Discount price = " + price );

1. Adaptor (Structural)


Factory Method (Creational): The ‘Decathlon POS’ software system classifies its customers as senior-citizens (60 and above), First-Time customers, Regular Customers. There is a very high possibility that the Customer Type hierarchy will vary, depending upon the sales-pattern. For e.g. there could be the need to introduce new categories based on the customer gender, different age groups for kids (0-5, 6-12), teenagers (13-19) and age groups between 20 to 60(Twenties, 30s, 40s and 50s). You are advised by Mr.Sundar Pichai, the technical architect of your team, whom you trust, to use Factory Method Pattern in order to instantiate the above Customer Type hierarchy of concrete implementation of objects. Design and implement using this.


// AgeCategory.java
public enum AgeCategory {

    private final String text;
    AgeCategory( final String text ) { this.text = text; }
    @Override public String toString() { return text; }
// Customer.java
public abstract class Customer {
    protected String name;
    protected int age;
    protected AgeCategory category;

    public Customer( String name, int age ) {
        this.name = name;
        this.age = age;

    public void details() {
        System.out.println("Name: " + name);
        System.out.println("Age: " + age);
        System.out.println("Category: " + category);
// Kid.java
public class Kid extends Customer {
    public Kid( String name, int age ) {
        super( name, age );
        super.category = AgeCategory.kid;
// Teen.java
public class Teen extends Customer {
    public Teen( String name, int age ) {
        super( name, age );
        super.category = AgeCategory.teen;
// Adult.java
public class Adult extends Customer {
    public Adult( String name, int age ) {
        super( name, age );
        super.category = AgeCategory.adult;
// Senior.java
public class Senior extends Customer {
    public Senior( String name, int age ) {
        super( name, age );
        super.category = AgeCategory.senior;
// CustomerFactory.java
public class CustomerFactory {
    private static class InvalidAgeCategoryException extends Exception {
        public InvalidAgeCategoryException( String message ) {
    public static Customer get( AgeCategory ageCategory, String name, int age ) throws InvalidAgeCategoryException {
        switch( ageCategory ) {
            case kid: return new Kid( name, age );
            case teen: return new Teen( name, age );
            case adult: return new Adult( name, age );
            case senior: return new Senior( name, age );
            default: throw( new InvalidAgeCategoryException( "You have entered invalid age category" ) );
// Client.java
public class Client {
    public static void main( String[] args ) {
        try {
            CustomerFactory.get( AgeCategory.kid, "A", 1 ).details();
            CustomerFactory.get( AgeCategory.teen, "B", 13 ).details();
            CustomerFactory.get( AgeCategory.adult, "C", 18 ).details();
            CustomerFactory.get( AgeCategory.senior, "D", 61 ).details();
        } catch( Exception e ) {

4. Bridge (Structural)


Bridge (Structural): You get a call from Ms.Masaba Gupta of Bangalore Decathlon office that there is a policy decision made globally to introduce discount slabs for a whole month twice in a year. The discount month will be in January and July after reviewing the sales made from Feb to June (first five months) and Aug to December (last five months) respectively. It is decided to provide four slabs of discounts in 2017, namely, 30%, 25%, 20% and 15%, based on the sports item purchased. For e.g. all tennis rackets could have a 20% discount while cricket bats could only have a 15% discount. All exercise tread-mills could be given a 30% discount while boxing-gloves could have a 25% discount. Point to be noted here is that, the slabs of discount may not remain the same in 2018. It is likely to vary year after year. The ‘Decathlon POS’ software system classifies its customers as Senior-Citizens (60 and above), First-Time Customers, Regular Customers as of now. There is a very high possibility that the Customer Type hierarchy will vary, depending upon the sales-pattern. For e.g. there could be the need to introduce new categories based on the customer gender. Use the Bridge Pattern to design & implement, so that both the Customer Type hierarchy of classes as well as the Discount Percentage hierarchy of classes can both vary independently? That is, they are not tied to each other.


// DiscountCalculator.java
public abstract class DiscountCalculator {
    protected double discount;
    public double applyDiscount( double amount ) {
        return amount - amount * discount;
// FirstDC.java
public class FirstDC extends DiscountCalculator {
    public FirstDC() {
        this.discount = 0.25;
// SecondDC.java
public class SecondDC extends DiscountCalculator {
    public SecondDC() {
        this.discount = 0.30;
// Customer.java
public abstract class Customer {
    protected String name;
    protected int age;
    protected DiscountCalculator discountCalculator;

    public void display() {
        System.out.println( "Name: " + this.name );
        System.out.println( "Age: " + this.age );

    public void setDiscountCalculator( DiscountCalculator discountCalculator ) {
        this.discountCalculator = discountCalculator;

    public double calculateBill( double amount ) {
        return this.discountCalculator.applyDiscount(amount);
// RegularCustomer.java
public class RegularCustomer extends Customer {
    public RegularCustomer( String name, int age, DiscountCalculator discountCalculator ) {
        this.name = name;
        this.age = age;
        this.discountCalculator = discountCalculator;

    @Override public void display() {
        System.out.println( "Welcome Regular Customer!" );
// SeniorCitizen.java
public class SeniorCitizen extends Customer {
    public SeniorCitizen( String name, int age, DiscountCalculator discountCalculator ) {
        this.name = name;
        this.age = age;
        this.discountCalculator = discountCalculator;

    @Override public void display() {
        System.out.println( "Welcome Senior Citizen!" );
// FirstTimeCustomer.java
public class FirstTimeCustomer extends Customer {
    public FirstTimeCustomer( String name, int age, DiscountCalculator discountCalculator ) {
        this.name = name;
        this.age = age;
        this.discountCalculator = discountCalculator;

    @Override public void display() {
        System.out.println( "Welcome First Time Customer!" );
// Client.java
public class Client {
    public static void main( String[] args ) {
        FirstDC firstDC = new FirstDC();
        TestCustomer( new RegularCustomer( "A", 1, firstDC ) );
        TestCustomer( new FirstTimeCustomer( "B", 2, firstDC ) );
        TestCustomer( new SeniorCitizen( "C", 3, firstDC ) );

    public static void TestCustomer( Customer customer ) {
        SecondDC secondDC = new SecondDC();
        System.out.println( "1000 after discount using FirstDC: " + customer.calculateBill(1000) );
        System.out.println( "1000 after discount using SecondDC: " + customer.calculateBill(1000) );

5. Observer (Behavioural)


Observer (Behavioural): There will be different discounts being offered for the sports items in Decathlon Stores across the globe for different festivals being celebrated in the various countries these stores are established. Assume that the Decathlon Chain of Stores fixes a particular discount slab for its items for a festival of a country. Use the Observer Pattern to design and implement a system to notify the customers of the Decathlon stores of that country about the various festival/ seasonal discount rates as and when they are announced.


// DiscountSlab.java
public class DiscountSlab {
    protected int discount;
    protected String festival;
    protected String start, end;

    public DiscountSlab( int discount, String festival, String start, String end ) {
        this.discount = discount;
        this.festival = festival;
        this.start = start;
        this.end = end;
// DecathlonObserver.java
public class DecathlonObserver {
    private DiscountSlab discountSlab;
    public DecathlonObserver( DecathlonSubject subject ) {
        this.discountSlab = subject.getDiscountSlab();

    public void update( DiscountSlab discountSlab ) {
        this.discountSlab = discountSlab;

    private void print( Object o ) { System.out.println( o ); }

    public void display() {
        print( "Festive Discount Details:" );
        print( "Festival: " + this.discountSlab.festival );
        print( "Discount: " + this.discountSlab.discount );
        print( "Start Date: " + this.discountSlab.start );
        print( "End Date: " + this.discountSlab.end );
// DecathlonSubject.java
import java.util.ArrayList;

public class DecathlonSubject {
    private DiscountSlab discountSlab;
    private ArrayList<DecathlonObserver> observers;

    public DecathlonSubject( DiscountSlab discountSlab ) {
        this.discountSlab = discountSlab;
        this.observers = new ArrayList<DecathlonObserver>();

    public void attach( DecathlonObserver decathlonObserver ) { observers.add( decathlonObserver ); }
    public void notifyObservers() {
        for( DecathlonObserver observer: observers ) {
    public DiscountSlab getDiscountSlab() { return this.discountSlab; }
    public void setDiscountSlab( DiscountSlab discountSlab ) { 
        this.discountSlab = discountSlab; 
// Client.java
public class Client {
    private static void print( Object o ) {
        System.out.println( o );
    public static void main( String[] args ) {
        DiscountSlab discount = new DiscountSlab( 10, "Diwali", "06-11-21", "09-11-21" );
        DecathlonSubject sale = new DecathlonSubject( discount );

        DecathlonObserver indiaCustomer = new DecathlonObserver(sale);
        DecathlonObserver sriLankaCustomer = new DecathlonObserver(sale);

        print( "-----------------DIWALI-----------------");
        print( "For Indian Customers: " );
        print( "For Sri Lankan Customers: " );

        discount = new DiscountSlab( 15, "Christmas", "24-12-21", "25-12-21" );

        print( "---------------CHRISTMAS----------------");
        print( "For Indian Customers: " );
        print( "For Sri Lankan Customers: " );

6. Façade (Structural)


Façade (Structural): You get a call from Ms.Betty Cooper of Bangalore Decathlon office that there is a policy decision made globally to incorporate some new rules for ‘Process Sale Use-Case’. For e.g. if payment is made via gift-certificate, the customer can buy only one item for the amount in the certificate. No other items can be bought with that gift- certificate. There must be no cash-back to the customer if the item costs less than amount specified in the gift-certificate. If the item costs more, the excess payment can be accepted via cash only & not credit / debit cards. When a new sale is created, these rules must become effective. You come to know from Mr. Satya Nadella, an expert in finding 3rd- party partners, that the Italian Competitor for Decathlon called ‘Sport 2000’ has a ready- made ‘rule-engine’ sub-system for this, whose specific implementation details is not known yet, as the business heads of Decathlon & Sport 2000 are chalking out the software purchase terms. This Sport 2000 rule-engine will be responsible for evaluating a set of rules against an operation & indicating if any of the rules invalidated the operation (e.g. ‘makeNewSale’ operation). How will you use the Façade pattern to provide a common unified interface to a dissimilar set of implementations, developed by a 3rd-party vendor, the implementation details are not known to you?


// GiftCertificate.java
public class GiftCertificate {
    private String id;
    private int value;

    public GiftCertificate( String id, int value ) {
        this.id = id;
        this.value = value;

    public String getID() { return id; }
    public int getValue() { return value; }
    public void setValue( int value ) { this.value = value; }
// ShoppingCart.java
import java.util.Scanner;
import java.util.ArrayList;

public class SalesFacade {
    private ShoppingCart cart;
    private ProcessSales processor;
    private Scanner sc;

    public SalesFacade() {
        cart = new ShoppingCart();
        processor = new ProcessSales(null, cart);
        sc = new Scanner( System.in );

    private void print( Object o ) {
        System.out.println( o );

    public void inputGiftCertificate() {
        print( "Enter GiftCertificate ID: " );
        String id = sc.next();
        print( "Enter GifrCertificate Value: " );
        int value = sc.nextInt();
        this.processor.certificate = new GiftCertificate( id, value );

    public void inputItems() {
        ArrayList<ShoppingCart.Item> items;
        print( "Enter number of items: " );
        int size = sc.nextInt();
        items = new ArrayList<ShoppingCart.Item>(size);
        String _name;
        int _price;
        for( int i=0; i<size; i++ ) {
            print("Enter name of item " + (i+1) + ": ");
            _name = sc.next();
            print("Enter price of item " + (i+1) + ": ");
            _price = sc.nextInt();
            items.add(new ShoppingCart.Item(_name, _price));
        processor.cart.items = items;

    public void processSales() {
// ProcessSales.java
public class ProcessSales {
    GiftCertificate certificate = null;
    ShoppingCart cart;

    public ProcessSales( ShoppingCart cart ) {
        this.cart = cart;
    public ProcessSales( GiftCertificate certificate, ShoppingCart cart ) {
        this.certificate = certificate;
        this.cart = cart;

    private void print( Object o ) {
        System.out.println( o );
    public void process() {
        if( this.certificate == null ) {
            print( "You don't have the gift certificate. " );
            print( " You have to pay amount: " + this.cart.totalAmount() );
        else if( this.cart.items.size() > 1 ) {
            print( "You have bought more than one item. ");
            print( "You can not apply gift certificate. ");
            print( "You have to pay amount: " + this.cart.totalAmount() );
        else if( this.cart.items.size() <= 0 ) {
            print( "You have not bought any items." );
        else if( this.cart.totalAmount() <= this.certificate.getValue() ) {
            print( "You don't have to pay for this. It will be deducted from your gift card." );
            print( "Your Gift Certificate " + this.certificate.getID() + " Applied." );
            this.certificate.setValue( this.certificate.getValue() - this.cart.totalAmount() );
            print( "Your Gift Certificate Balance: " + this.certificate.getValue() );
            print( "No cashback is provided." );
        else {
            print( "Your Gift Certificate " + this.certificate.getID() + " Applied." );
            int remainingAmount = this.cart.totalAmount() - this.certificate.getValue();
            print( "Your Gift Certificate Balance: " + this.certificate.getValue() );
            print( "You have to pay amount: " + remainingAmount + " using cash only.");
// SalesFacade.java 
import java.util.Scanner;
import java.util.ArrayList;

public class SalesFacade {
    private ShoppingCart cart;
    private ProcessSales processor;
    private Scanner sc;

    public SalesFacade() {
        cart = new ShoppingCart();
        processor = new ProcessSales(null, cart);
        sc = new Scanner( System.in );

    private void print( Object o ) {
        System.out.println( o );

    public void inputGiftCertificate() {
        print( "Enter GiftCertificate ID: " );
        String id = sc.next();
        print( "Enter GifrCertificate Value: " );
        int value = sc.nextInt();
        this.processor.certificate = new GiftCertificate( id, value );

    public void inputItems() {
        ArrayList<ShoppingCart.Item> items;
        print( "Enter number of items: " );
        int size = sc.nextInt();
        items = new ArrayList<ShoppingCart.Item>(size);
        String _name;
        int _price;
        for( int i=0; i<size; i++ ) {
            print("Enter name of item " + (i+1) + ": ");
            _name = sc.next();
            print("Enter price of item " + (i+1) + ": ");
            _price = sc.nextInt();
            items.add(new ShoppingCart.Item(_name, _price));
        processor.cart.items = items;

    public void processSales() {
// Client.java
public class Client {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        SalesFacade sales = new SalesFacade();

7. Abstract Factory (Creational)


Abstract Factory (Creational): As an analyst in charge of designing the Decathlon POS Software, you realize the need to streamline the creation of objects belonging to different products in the Decathlon store. There are two major categories of products: a) For differently abled sports enthusiasts b) For able-bodied sports enthusiasts In each of the above categories there are products for outdoor adventure sports (e.g. trekking, para-gliding, bungee-jumping etc.), outdoor regular games (cricket, football, baseball etc.) indoor regular games (table tennis, squash etc.). There is a possibility of further class/object instantiation explosion with categories such as male & female sports enthusiasts and different equipment for them. Objects need to be instantiated based on these categories. Design & implement using Abstract Factory.


public enum IR {
public enum OA {
public enum OR {
public interface IndoorRegular {
    public void display();
public interface OutdoorAdventure {
    public void display();
public interface OutdoorRegular {
    public void display();
public interface SportFactory {
    public OutdoorAdventure outdoorAdventure( OA oa );
    public OutdoorRegular outdoorRegular( OR or );
    public IndoorRegular indoorRegular( IR ir );
public class CricketA implements OutdoorRegular {
    public void display() {
        System.out.println("Cricket for able bodied");
public class CricketD implements OutdoorRegular {
    public void display() {
        System.out.println("Cricket for differently able bodied");
public class SquashA implements IndoorRegular {
    public void display() {
        System.out.println("Squash for able bodied");
public class SquashD implements IndoorRegular {
    public void display() {
        System.out.println("Squash for differently able bodied");
public class TrekkingA implements OutdoorAdventure {
    public void display() {
        System.out.println("Trekking for able bodied");
public class TrekkingD implements OutdoorAdventure {
    public void display() {
        System.out.println("Trekking for differently able bodied");
public class AbleFactory implements SportFactory {
    public OutdoorAdventure outdoorAdventure( OA oa ) {
        switch( oa ) {
            case trekking: return new TrekkingA();
            default: return null;
    public OutdoorRegular outdoorRegular( OR or ) {
        switch( or ) {
            case cricket: return new CricketA();
            default: return null;
    public IndoorRegular indoorRegular( IR ir ) {
        switch( ir ) {
            case squash: return new SquashA();
            default: return null;
public class DifferentlyAbleFactory implements SportFactory {
    public OutdoorAdventure outdoorAdventure( OA oa ) {
        switch( oa ) {
            case trekking: return new TrekkingD();
            default: return null;
    public OutdoorRegular outdoorRegular( OR or ) {
        switch( or ) {
            case cricket: return new CricketD();
            default: return null;
    public IndoorRegular indoorRegular( IR ir ) {
        switch( ir ) {
            case squash: return new SquashD();
            default: return null;
public class Client {
    public static void main( String[] args ) {
        SportFactory f = new AbleFactory();
        f = new DifferentlyAbleFactory();

8. Decorator (Behavioural – Structural according to GoF)


Decorator (Behavioural – Structural according to GoF): There is an existing interface method in the Decathlon POS software system called ‘getCurrentStock’ which is implemented by two concrete classes ‘IndoorSports’ and ‘OutdoorSports’, to get the number of stocks for the sports items belonging to these respective categories. On studying the Decathlon POS system, you as an analyst realize the need to get sports stock update of various items within: IndoorSports - ‘GamesOnTable’ (e.g. Table Tennis, Billiards, Snooker etc.) ‘BoardGames’ (e.g. Carom, Chess etc.) ‘CourtGames’ (e.g. Basketball, Badminton, Kabaddi etc.) OutdoorSports – ‘AdventureGames’ (e.g. trekking, para-gliding, bungee- jumping etc.) ‘StadiumGames’ (e.g. cricket, football, baseball etc.) ‘Athletics’ (e.g. different distances for running, high jump etc.) Use the Decorator pattern, decorating the ‘getCurrentStock’ method to Design and implement this scenario.


public interface DecathlonPOS {
    public String getCurrentStock();
public class IndoorSports implements DecathlonPOS {

    public String getCurrentStock() {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
        return "indoor sport";
public class OutdoorSports implements DecathlonPOS {

    public String getCurrentStock() {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
        return "outdoor sport";
public abstract class IndoorDecorator implements DecathlonPOS {
    protected String game;
    protected DecathlonPOS type;

    public IndoorDecorator( String game ) {
        this.game = game;
        this.type = new IndoorSports();

    @Override public String getCurrentStock() {
        return this.type.getCurrentStock() + ": " + this.game;
public abstract class OutdoorDecorator implements DecathlonPOS {
    protected String game;
    protected DecathlonPOS type;

    public OutdoorDecorator( String game ) {
        this.game = game;
        this.type = new OutdoorSports();

    @Override public String getCurrentStock() {
        return this.type.getCurrentStock() + ": " + this.game;
public class GamesOnTable extends IndoorDecorator {
    public GamesOnTable(String game) {
        //TODO Auto-generated constructor stub
public class BoardGames extends IndoorDecorator {
    public BoardGames(String game) {
        //TODO Auto-generated constructor stub
public class CourtGames extends IndoorDecorator {
    public CourtGames(String game) {
        //TODO Auto-generated constructor stub
public class AdventureGames extends OutdoorDecorator {
    public AdventureGames(String game) {
        //TODO Auto-generated constructor stub
public class StadiumGames extends OutdoorDecorator {
    public StadiumGames(String game) {
        //TODO Auto-generated constructor stub
public class Athletics extends OutdoorDecorator {
    public Athletics(String game) {
        //TODO Auto-generated constructor stub
public class Client {
    private static void print( Object o ) {
        System.out.println( o );
    public static void main( String[] args ) {
        TestDecorator(new GamesOnTable("table tennis"));
        TestDecorator(new BoardGames("chess"));
        TestDecorator(new CourtGames("basketball"));
        TestDecorator(new AdventureGames("trekking"));
        TestDecorator(new StadiumGames("cricket"));
        TestDecorator(new Athletics("100m sprint"));
    private static void TestDecorator( DecathlonPOS decorator ) {
        print( decorator.getCurrentStock() );

8. Template Method (Behavioural)


Template Method (Behavioural): To keep up with the customer convenience of online ordering Decathlon Chain of stores decides to have two modes of order-processing, namely ‘online’ and ‘offline’. Both modes have the same processing steps for order- processing, namely ‘selectItem’, ‘doPayment’ and ‘doDelivery’. But, the way these steps are done varies between the two modes. selectItem – online – gives tabular depiction of price comparison of the item chosen. Offline – allows trying out of the items in the store doPayment – online – net-banking payment; offline – pays through cash / swipe-card doDelivery – online – needs to pay the charges for shipping & delivery address; offline – collect at the counter. Show how you as the analyst will use the Template Method pattern to design and implement this.
