Movie App

A simple mobile app for browsing movies from TMDB


App Architecture and Folder Structure

The code of the app implements clean architecture to separate the UI, domain and data layers with a features-first approach for folder structure.

Folder Structure

├── app
├── core
│   ├── animations
│   ├── app_state
│   ├── configs
│   ├── errors
│   ├── extensions
│   ├── models
│   ├── routes
│   ├── services
│   │   ├── http
│   │   └── storage
│   ├── theme
│   ├── utils
│   ├── widgets
│   │   └── loaders
├── features
│   ├── auth
│   │   ├── application
│   │   ├── infrastructure
│   │   │    ├── models
│   │   │    └── repositories
│   │   └── presentation
│   │       ├── pages
│   │       └── widgets
│   ├── movies
│   │   ├── application
│   │   ├── infrastructure
│   │   │    ├── models
│   │   │    └── repositories
│   │   └── presentation
│   │       ├── pages
│   │       └── widgets
├── firebase_options.dart
└── main.dart
  • main.dart file has services initialization code and wraps the root MovieApp with a ProviderScope.

  • firebase_options.dart is auto-generated file by flutterfire CLI which contains all the nessary configuration for firebase. integration.

  • The app folder with tmdb_movieapp has the root MaterialApp which injects the theme data and navigation data entire all the widget tree.

  • The core folder contains code shared across features :

    • animations folder contains the code to animate the widgets.

    • app_state folder contains the model that represents the state of app during api call i.e initial, loading, loaded, success, error.

    • configs contains the configuration of app such as base_url for api call.

    • constants folder is where all the constant values used across the app such as app_assets with list of the path for assets are declared.

    • errors folder contains the model that parses exceptions and dio_error and returns failure object.

    • extensions folder contains all the extension methods such as snackbar_extension that shows snackbar when called like context.showSnackbar().

    • models folder contains the core models for pagination and caching the api response.

    • routes folders contains the list of route_paths and go_router navigation configurations.

    • services folder abstract app-level services with their implementations

      • http service is implemented with Dio and uses a CacheInterceptor to achieve caching by using the StorageService.
      • storage service is implemented with Hive * Service locator pattern and Riverpod are used to abstract services when used in other layers.
    • theme folder contain general styles (colors, themes & text styles)

    • utilsfolder contain the helper methods such as validators for forms.

    • widgets folder contains all the core-widgets that are rendered in similar state across the app, such as shimmer, error_view, buttons, text-fields, loading-indicators, etc.

  • The features folder: the repository pattern is used to decouple logic required to access data sources from the domain layer.

    • application folder also known as domain layer that contains all the business logic of the particular feature for example latest_movie_provider controls the app state from loading to success or error based on API response and sends it back to UI where the listeners and builders renders the components based on data provided.
    • intrastructure folder also known as data layer: The repository pattern is used to decouple logic required to access data sources from the domain layer.
      • models folder contains all the data class model generated using Freezed with support for parsing json to dart object, copy-with method, and more.
      • repositories folder contains the abstract-class and it's implementation which interact with network calls parses data and sends back to domain layer.
  • The presentation folder also known as presentation layer which contains all the UI components.


  • Clone from the provided repo link.
  • Run command flutter pub get.
  • Create firebase project and set it up, also enable google sign-in & set up SHA1 or 256 fingerprint and email and password signin.
  • Run the project, via command flutter run or IDE.
Authentication :

Plugins and Packages used :

HTTPs & Connectivity :
State Management and Dependency Injection :
Navigation :
Firebase :
Icons, Theme and animations :
Code generation and testing :
Local storage :
Others utilities :