
A full stack Hangman game using node.js, angular4 and memcached.

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Installation Steps:

For installing node.js:

sudo apt-get install nodejs

sudo apt-get install npm

For installing Angular:

npm install -g @angular/cli

For installing Memcached:

sudo apt-get install memcached

Running Instructions:

  1. Extract zip file and cd to directory.

  2. Run npm install for resolving dependencies.

  3. Open a terminal in this directory and run "memcached" for starting memcached. (Default port: 11211)

  4. Open another terminal in the same directory and run "ng build --w"

  5. Open a third terminal here again and run "node server.js"

  6. Go to browser & check "localhost:8080

  7. Enjoy the game!

Source files:

  • server.js is where all the backend code is written using node.js. I have used node.js due to its performance, asynchronous nature and easy of use.
  • I have used Express framework to assist in building routes, handling sessions and working with memcached store.
  • I have decided not to use a database due to performance and scalability issues. Also, it doesn't justify using databases for keeping simple statistics.
  • Instead, I have opted for distributed key-value pair memory cache which speeds up lookup operations as it is a hash table. It is also a distributed system, so additional servers could be easily added depending on the need.
  • It is also more secure than using in memory sessions and cookies.
  • Most of the business logic is on the server side and the client side is only given the task of rendering based on certain conditions.
  • I have used Angular4 components for making REST calls to the backend and rendering HTML.
  • src/app contains the angular .ts, .html and .css files.
  • I have used a npm "random-word" library for getting the words.