
Serving a web experience similar to React, through Alpine.js, HTMX served by a Go-chi server.

Primary LanguageGo

Alpine HTMX Go Web App

Serving a web experience similar to React, through Alpine.js, HTMX served by a Go-chi server.

Server bootstrapped from.



  • Fully CSP compliant.

  • Authentication and Authorization flows with JWT.

  • Switch between json and html response types based on Accept header. Keeps the API interoperable with other clients.

  • Caching for html responses in addition to json responses.

Base features are carried over from the boilerplate.


Run make to see all available commands.

Install dependencies

cd server
make packages_install


Before running, make sure generate the tailwindcss styles.

cd server/templates
yarn install
yarn build

Alternatively, you can run yarn watch to watch for changes during development.

cd server
make run

Design Considerations and Advice

  • All htmx response logic goes into the htmx directory, while the handlers directory contains the json response logic and invokes htmx handlers if the request expects htmx responses.

  • Create helper functions to return specific error types. This will help you to handle errors in a more granular way. Example: NotFound, Unauthorized, Forbidden, BadRequest, InternalServerError could trigger rendering of a toast notification or a banner.

  • Utilize your language's native templating engine to render HTML more dynamically. Example: Go's html/template package or Python's jinja2 package.

Additional Resources

  • Lit - A library for building fast, lightweight web components. (Requires a build step, and relies on node.js ecosystem)

  • spf.js - A lightweight JS framework used by YouTube to do a lot of things that HTMX does, while relying on JSON responses from the server.

Pros and Cons

This approach is not a replacement for React and co. But it can be used when you are looking for the following set of pros, while being aware of the cons.


  • Potentially higher RPS (Requests per second) if coupled with a strong backend, with caching/CDNs and other optimizations.

  • Server Driven UIs. (SEO, Easier A/B testing, etc.)

  • Co-opt (incrementally) with existing applications.

  • Simpler DevOps. (No need to deploy a separate frontend app)

  • Skip expensive JSON serialization and deserialization on both ends.


  • CSP (Content Security Policy) can be a nightmare to configure.

    • Refer to this for Alpine.js. (TL;DR: Strict CSP takes away most of the ease of Alpine.js)

    • Refer to this for HTMX. (TL;DR: HTMX with tight configuration can be secure, but the lack of Alpine.js's ease makes the overall experience less pleasant)

  • More data transferred per Request (HTML is more verbose than JSON)

  • Slower/Constrained Developer Experience (Hard to Debug, Poor IDE support, syntax highlighting, autocomplete, etc.)

  • Code Sharing and Monorepo advantages from a stack like React+React Native are lost.