
Setting up Docker Containers to be used as Dev Environments, that work with NeoVim.

Primary LanguageGo

Docker Dev Environments

Setting up Docker Containers to be used as Dev Environments, that allows for editing from the host with realtime updates.

Getting Started

Spin up the containers with:

docker compose up -d

Edit files in the server directory, and they will be synced to the container.

Access the container with:

docker container ls
# Copy the container ID
docker exec -it <container_id> sh

Use cases

  • For languages with garbage package managers, like Python, which lead to hard to reproduce environments.

General Tips

  • You can optionally setup your entire Editor+LSP inside the container if you are running a different toolchain version.

  • Make sure that you add dependency directories like node_modules to your .dockerignore file, so that you don't sync the entire node_modules directory to the container.