
A repo that I'm using to learn vim/neovim, and also houses my configs for the same.

Primary LanguageVim Script

Neovim Setup

A repo that I'm using to learn vim/neovim.

Just formatted this README and added this line via neovim. Massive flex :O

You can find my 2 configs in coc version and lsp version

Some basic Navigation

Press i to enter insert mode.

Press escape to exit current mode.

This lets you actually make changes to your files. Until then it's all read-only. Good to read through some code without worrying about accidental changes.

Creating and opening files:

# while in the directory you want to work in
nvim nameoffile.extension

Creates or opens the file specified depending on it's existence on disk.

Opening entire director:

nvim .

Opens and displays a file browser that you can naviagate through. Press enter to open file. Neat out-of-the-box feature.

Editting the Config

While in your default working directory. Create/Access the .config folder. This usually already exists so beware.

mkdir .config
cd .config/

Make a nvim directory:

mkdir nvim

Create neovim config file:

nvim init.vim

Sample Config

My current config will be added to this repo

:set number
:set relativenumber
:set autoindent
:set tabstop=4
:set shiftwidth=4
:set smarttab
:set softtabstop=4
:set mouse=a

Install a Plug-in Manager

I am using vim-plug for this. Follow install instructions from there.

Setting up vim-plug requires adding the following to the init.vim file:

call plug#begin()
" all your plugins...
Plug 'url to your plugin'
call plug#end()

Also install exuberant ctags

brew install ctags

Installing the Plugins (One time only)

Inside your nvim instance run the following in command mode:


Your plugins are now installed!

Deleting plugins:

Remove the Plug '' entry from the init.vim file.

Run :PlugClean.

Install coc

For autocompletions.

After adding the Plug config:

Plugin 'neoclide/coc.nvim'

Go to your plugged folder.

On Mac: ~/.local/share/nvim/plugged.

On Linux: ~/.config/nvim/plugged.

cd coc.vim/

This installs all dependencies. Takes a while.

Installing Language Servers

Install using:

:CocInstall name-of-lsp

  • Python: coc-pyright.

  • JSON: coc-json.

  • Markdown: coc-markdownlint.

  • JS/TS: coc-tsserver.

  • HTML: coc-html.

  • Java: coc-java.

  • CSS: coc-css.

  • Dart: coc-flutter.

  • Bash: coc-sh.

  • prettier: coc-prettier.

Integrity Check


Useful keyboard shortcuts


Use :u and :r respectively.

Search and Highlight

In command mode. Press / to enter search. Now type a regex pattern you would like to search.

Clear the selections by using :noh.


To select any text, you must enter visual mode. Press v in normal mode for this.

  • Use arrow keys to expand the selection.

  • d Deletes the selection.

  • y "yank"/copy the selection.

  • p Paste the selection.

  • Search by using these 4 in conjuntion on the selected text: y q / p

  • r Replace selection with text you will now type.

Copy/Paste Across Terminals

Use: " + y and " + p from visual mode.

For Tiling

  • Ctrl W S (upper case) for horizontal splitting

  • Ctrl W v (lower case) for vertical splitting

  • Ctrl W Q to close one

  • Ctrl W Ctrl+W to switch between windows

  • Ctrl W J (x or K, H, L) to switch to adjacent window (intuitively up, down, left, right)

Loading Lua Scripts

  • Create a lua directory under .config/nvim/.

  • Create another subdirectory under lua. Use your name for example.

  • Write all your scripts here. Ex: options.lua.

  • At the nvim/lua directory level create a config.lua and inside that add references to all subdirectory contained lua scripts with:

require "example_subdir.option"

In your init.vim load the script with:

lua require('config')

LSP Instead of coc

After tinkering with coc, which is easier to get started with, I realized I need greater granular control over my configs while also keeping them light weight. So I'm switching to the native LSP.

Add the nvim-lspconfig plugin.

Plug 'neovim/nvim-lspconfig'

Installing LSPs

  • Python: yarn global add pyright

  • JS/TS: yarn global add typescript typescript-language-server

Installing Glow for Markdown Preview

# macOS or Linux
brew install glow

# macOS (with MacPorts)
sudo port install glow

# Arch Linux (btw)
pacman -S glow

# Void Linux
xbps-install -S glow

# Nix
nix-env -iA nixpkgs.glow

# FreeBSD
pkg install glow

# Solus
eopkg install glow

# Windows (with Scoop)
scoop install glow

# Android (with termux)
pkg install glow
Plug 'ellisonleao/glow.nvim', {'branch': 'main'}


You need ripgrep for live_grep.

brew install ripgrep


brew install jq

Go Setup

Install gopls after adding gopls to your LSPConfig.

brew install gopls

Global Find and Replace

brew install ripgrep
brew install gnu-sed

Lazygit Install

brew install lazygit

sshfs Install

For remote development (access files on remote machine).

brew install sshfs