
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Redux Airport

We're going to build an application to track planes at an airport.

Assignment Objectives

  • Add redux to a new project
  • Store information in the redux store using reducers
  • Display information stored in redux in a React component

Getting Started

Fork, Clone, and npm install to get started.

Base Requirements

For the initial release we just need to know what airlines have planes at this airport.

Create a form to add airlines, and a table to show all the airlines that have been added.


  • Add Redux to the project.
    • Install the necessary dependencies. (npm install redux@4 react-redux@7 redux-logger@3)
    • The array of airlines should be stored inside the redux state.
  • Add a form with one input for an airline name.
    • When the user hits an Add Airline, button, add that new airline to the redux state.
  • Add a table to display all the airlines at this airport.
  • Create separate React components for both the form & table

Stretch Goals

For the second release, we need to track the number of planes each airline has at this airport. Update the application to track and display this information.


  • Add a second input to the form to input the number of planes the airline has at this airport.
    • Update the redux state to track both the airline name & plane count.
  • Update the table to show the airline and plane count