Redux Baseball Pitchers

  • Fork
  • Clone
  • npm install
  • npm start

Base Requirements

Our application is a hit! Baseball coaches around the world are using our application to track their list of pitchers and catchers. They love that clicking a name updates immediately and they can add new pitchers or catchers on the fly.

We're about to add a ton of new features to our application, but before we do, we should add redux to our application so that our App.jsx component doesn't get out of control.

Add Redux to Project

Add redux into the project. You'll need to add redux and react-redux packages in order to do this.

Move Data to Reducers

Move the pitcherList and catcherList to reducers! Refactor app to use that data from Redux.

You will need to dispatch from your forms submission -- eg handleCatcherSubmit. The logic for adding will happen in the reducer!

Make New Components

Now that we've got redux setup, time to start making components.

In App.jsx replace the line:

<div>Total Pitchers: {pitcherList.length}</div>


<TotalPitchers />

It shouldn't need props passed, because the pitcherList should be stored in Redux. Have your new component reach out!

In App.jsx replace the line:

<div>Total Catchers: {catcherList.length}</div>


<TotalCatchers />

This will also use Redux for the data, just like the Pitchers.

Stretch Goals

Keep Going in App.jsx

One of the joys of redux is that it can really clean up our components. Make App.jsx look like this:

function App() {
  return (
      <h1>Redux Baseball Pitchers</h1>
      <OnTheMound />
      <BehindThePlate />
      <TotalPitchers />
      <TotalCatchers />
      <h3>All Pitchers</h3>
      <PitcherForm />
      <PitcherList />
      <h3>All Catchers</h3>
      <CatcherForm />
      <CatcherList />

export default App;

There are about nine stretch goals wrapped up into this one stretch goal, so break things down into very small steps.

Clean Index.js

If you have moved everything out of App.jsx, your index.jsx is probably getting a little crowded. Move each of your reducers to a separate file in a new src/redux/reducers folder.