
C++ API to manage Aternos-hosted servers

Primary LanguageC++


Use at your own risk

This project is against the Aternos TOS as stated in Section 5.2e: Abuse and limitations: "Automatically accessing our website or automating actions on our website." You're free to use this project, but be aware YOUR ACCOUNT CAN BE DELETED. Currently, this project doesn't do anything at all to circumvent detection, so if you use this frequently, your account WILL be banned.


An API I made in C++ to manage Aternos hosted Minecraft servers.


cmake: Used to build the project.
quickjs: Used to evaluate AJAX_TOKEN. Too lazy to put a different solution.
libcpr: Used to send posts and requests to aternos.
cryptopp-cmake: Used to encrypt MD5, required to log in.
libxml2: Used to parse server list.
json: Used for json parsing.

git clone "https://github.com/SuspiciousDuck/aternosapi"
cd aternosapi
mkdir build
cmake -B./build
cmake --build ./build -j$(nproc)
sudo cmake --install ./build


Include the library in your main file.

#include <aternosapi/Aternos.hpp>

Then, initialize an Aternos object and then login with your credentials. Optionally, you can check if the login succeeded.

Aternos aternos;
aternos.login("username", "password"); // Returns login success and fail message

After this, you're all set. For example, you can use functions like getServers and queryServer in order to get a list of all the servers or retrieve a specific server.

aternos.getServers(); // Returns vector of Aternos::Server objects.
aternos.queryServer("servername"); // Returns std::optional<Aternos::Server>.

Example Program

#include <aternosapi/Aternos.hpp>
#include <iostream>

int main() {
    Aternos aternos;
    auto result = aternos.login("username", "password");
    if (!result.success) { std::cerr << result.reason << "\n"; return 1; }
    for (auto server: aternos.getServers()) {
        std::cout << server.name << "\n";
    auto server = aternos.queryServer("server");
    if (!server.has_value()) return 1;
    std::cout << aternos.serverStatus(server.value()) << "\n";
    return 0;

Current features:

  • Login to a specific account
  • Retrieve all the servers an account has access to
  • Get a specific server by name
  • Request data from a specific server, like status, address, player count and names
  • Can do server actions, like starting and stopping a server


Currently I haven't made a FindAternos file, so find_package() doesn't work.

find_library() example

# Assuming aternosapi was installed
find_library(aternos_lib NAMES libaternosapi.so PATH_SUFFIXES "aternosapi" REQUIRED)
target_link_libraries(${CMAKE_PROJECT_NAME} PRIVATE ${aternos_lib})