This algorithm consists of a power simulator for photovoltaic panels and a wind turbine. This simulator was developed using mathematical models based on the research article “Management of an island and grid-connected microgrid using hybrid economic model predictive control with weather data”,
Requirements: Matlab 2016a or later
Hysdel version 2.0.6 installed
Download hysdel, link:
% INPUTS: raw_data_Natal.mat and raw_data_Santa_Vitoria.mat
% OUTPUTS: Statistical results of weather and power data and the
% MAT file of the power data array (Section 3.2.5 of the Data in Brief (DIB) manuscript). This variable contains
%Col 1: Measurement Wind power (W)
%Col 2: Forecasted Wind power (W)
%Col 3: Measurement photovoltaic panels (PV) power (W)
%Col 4: Forecasted PV power (W)
% Step 1 - Unzip the file into a selected folder (suggestion name: Power Code)
% Recommended path: 'C:\Users\User\Documents\MATLAB\hysdel-2.0.6-MINGW32_NT-5.1-i686\Power Code
% Step 2 - Copy the path of the folder of step 1
% Step 3 - Open the Matlab
% Step 4 - Paste the folder's path to the toolbar of current folder
% Step 5 - Above the current folder Matlab environmet, click on the icon "Up one Level"
% Step 6 - Click on the code's folder with the right mouse button and select "add to path" and "selected folders and subfolders"
% Step 6 - In the current folder Matlab environmet, open the code's folder and open the file PowerRES_0.m
% Step 7 - Run the PowerRES_0.m and insert the input values see algorithm test suggestions below
% Step 8 - Save the power dataset. Default name: Natal_power_dataset.mat
% Suggestion: If the chosen location is Santa Vitoria, rename the file as Santa_vitoria_power_dataset.mat
% Optional - If you desire to save the power_data to .dat format, do this script after step 8
% save ('folder's path\filename.dat','power_data','-ASCII', '-tabs')
Enter the initial simulation time (hours): 1
Enter the final simulation time (hours): 48
Enter the location number: 1 - Natal; 2 - Santa Vitoria do Palmar: 1
Enter the initial simulation time (hours): 1
Enter the final simulation time (hours): 48
Enter the location number: 1 - Natal; 2 - Santa Vitoria do Palmar: 2
Enter the initial simulation time (hours): 1
Enter the final simulation time (hours): 9092
Enter the location number: 1 - Natal; 2 - Santa Vitoria do Palmar: 1
Enter the initial simulation time (hours): 1
Enter the final simulation time (hours): 8180
Enter the location number: 1 - Natal; 2 - Santa Vitoria do Palmar: 2
Enter the initial simulation time (hours): 3000
Enter the final simulation time (hours): 5000
Enter the location number: 1 - Natal; 2 - Santa Vitoria do Palmar: 1
Enter the initial simulation time (hours): 4000
Enter the final simulation time (hours): 6000
Enter the location number: 1 - Natal; 2 - Santa Vitoria do Palmar: 1