
Skeleton for translating astro with po-files

Primary LanguageAstro

Astro Starter Kit: PO based i18n SSG

This demo repository, which could function as your starting point or inspiration on how to set up a seo-friendly multilanguage website, that can be translated using well established gettext and po translation files.

To learn more about this and how a workflow could look like, head over to the demo.

Differences to Astros i18n

First things first: Astro itself comes with a recommendation about how to do proper internalization. You can read about this at https://docs.astro.build/en/recipes/i18n/.

In comparison, this one is more opiniated.

astro i18n this starter better then astro?
allows you to configure i18n to have no path for the default language just does it 🤔 
has two variants for translating, you can either create seperate content-collections for each language (for example a en/about.md and es/about.md), or you can create yourself json-structures where you can translate keys. It also allows you to mix both. Either way, you create them by hand follows the very old and established gettext-flow. You just use translation-keys in your astro-files and a translator-software like https://poedit.net/ will grab all keys from your source-code and make them translatable automaticly. Gettext also supports placeholders, proper pluralization and other stuff 👍
way, in which you are working with md and custom tson/json is not something every non-dev could handle. There is also no third party ecosystem for this approach is using .po-files which are well established and known to all professional translators. In addition to that, Poedit allows you to speed up translating with AI. There are also platforms like https://crowdin.com/ where you can let others submit translations for your page. Companys like Discord, Microsoft, Valve and Github use that service for translating their apps 👍
has first class citizen build support to create / preview all translations at once. It also brings support for SSR only enables you to preview one language at a time. You can build all languages at once cleanly into dist, but it will take longer then in astros variant, since we are building one language at a time 👎