
Read and write data as persistent as possible (localStorage/nativeStorage)

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Reads and writes appSettings with the most persistent and secure available option in a promise-based manner.

In cordova-application it uses cordova-plugin-nativestorage to save data in the platform-offered setting key/value-stores. In the browser it just stores data in localStorage.

Things you need to be aware of

Do NOT use this if you wish to store huge amounts of data. Querying data isn't supported. This service is particulary targeted against user-settings you wish to carry over restarts/updates and not caching in general.

Also make sure you are not using the service before deviceReady, or else you will end up using localStorage only (since that is the only thing available) before deviceReady.


Although this does not rely on cordova at runtime and works fine in the browser, the add-on assumes you are building your application with ember-cordova.


  • ember install ember-cordova-storage


Just inject the service and you are ready to start:

export default Ember.Route.extend({
  storage: Ember.inject.service('cordova/storage'),

  setupController() {
      .write('pogchamp', Date.now())
      .then(() => this.get('storage').read('pogchamp'))
      .then((val) => Ember.debug(`Read ${val} for key pogchamp. That was ${Date.now() - val}ms ago`))

write(key, value)

Writes a given value to a key and returns the written value as soon as writing finished via a Promise.

You are free to store strings, ints, objects, booleans, arrays and so on. But be aware that some object-attributes might get missing as the actually stored value will JSON.strinfifyed.

read(key, legacy = false)

Reads a given key (always a string) and returns its value inside a Promise.

With legacy you can toggle if you always wish to use localStorage, even if nativeStorage would be available.

If legacy is set, the value will also be returned as is and not tried to be JSON.parseed. This is because we can not safely make the assumption that legacy values were JSON.strinfifyed in the first place.

If a key did not yet exist, this will return null.


Removes all keys from the storage. Like.. all of them.. Forever.. No turning back.

remove(key, legacy = false)

Removes the given key from the storage.

With legacy you can toggle if you always wish to clear in localStorage, even if nativeStorage would be available.


Some parts of this plugin do use code from ember-cordova-keyboard.