
Automated Self-assign + Key Labeler + Contributors workflow

This repository is a collection of numerous existing actions on marketplace bunched together to function ultra-efficiently.
All links to marketplace & usage here have been provided. This helps keep the repo clean, concise & out of chaos moderating the process right from the beginning (issue creation) to the end (PR merge/close)

Special Custom Action

Avoids misuse of self-assigns by limiting the no. of issues that can be claimed by assignees

Featured Workflow Examples

1. Controlled Issue Self-Assigns

"More power to contributors, more power to the maintainers"

name: Assigner

    types: [created]

    # If the acton was triggered by a new comment that starts with `/assign`
    # or a on a schedule
    if: >
      (github.event_name == 'issue_comment' && startsWith(github.event.comment.body, '/assign')) || github.event_name == 'workflow_dispatch'
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - name: Assign the user or unassign stale assignments
        uses: JasonEtco/slash-assign-action@v0.0.3
          assigned_label: Assigned
          days_until_warning: 5
          days_until_unassign: 7
          stale_assignment_label: Stale
          assigned_comment: "This issue [has been assigned]({{ comment.html_url }}) to {{ comment.user.login }}!\nIt will become unassigned if it is nott closed within {{ totalDays }} days. A maintainer can also add the **{{ inputs.pin_label }}** label to prevent it from being unassigned."
          fail_comment: "This issue is already assigned to a contributor."

      - name: Message failure
        if: ${{ failure() }}
        uses: actions/github-script@v4
          script: |
              issue_number: context.issue.number,
              owner: context.repo.owner,
              repo: context.repo.repo,
              body: 'The issue is already assigned!\nPlease find/create a new issue to contribute to.\nYou can safely disregard the failed workflow notification for this issue. ❌',
      - name: Checkout code
        uses: actions/checkout@main
      - name: Run Action
        uses: Suvraneel/Issue_Watcher@main
          token: "${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}"
          author: "${{}}"
          repo: Suvraneel/Automated-assign-labeler #Change the Repo name
          maxIssue: 3

2. Generating dynamic formatted file

"Reward the contributors with an attribution"

  • Sorted according to their contributions in the project
name: Contribute List
            - main

        runs-on: ubuntu-latest
        name: A job to automate contrib in readme
            - name: Contribute List
              uses: akhilmhdh/contributors-readme-action@v2.3.3
                  readme_path: ""
                  GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}


  • Issue/PR Creation Actions

    • Greeting Action greets contributor

      • Example Workflow :
        Find the workflow file here
    • Self-assign using /assign

    • Preventing rogue issue spammers by limiting number of self-assigns (by default, 3)

      • Example Workflow :
        Find the workflow file here
  • Issue/PR Auto Labeler

    Note - There are numerous labelers present in the marketplace. So, maintainers are requested to choose in accordance to project requirements. Consequently, a combination has been used here, in order to capture the best of both worlds.

    Types :

    • Labels issues based on keywords found in Issue/PR
      • Action deprecated, so Bot here (Recommended)
      • Configuration file here
    • Labels PRs based on extension of file changed
    • Labels PRs based on branch
  • On PR close

    • Finds & closes any linked issues to the PR
      • Example Workflow :
        Find the workflow file here
  • Close Stale Issues

    • Marks & closes stale issue after a pre-stipulated time.
  • Auto-updates Contributors list

    • Fetches top contributors & adds them to
      • Example Workflow :
        Find the workflow file here

Note- Issue Form (Beta) has been utilised here for keylabeler to work super-efficently

This repository is a collection of ALL features a large-scale opensource project maintainer could wish for... Based off actions already in the marketplace.

Open source project that is using this cool workflow :

GirlScript Winter of Contributing '21 Project repository with over 6000 participants, 1k stars & 1.7k forks. This actions combo has has helped the maintainers review & attend to issues & PRs in a very efficient & orderly fashion.