A developer with hands-on experience in full-stack software development and a problem-solver who is proficient in data structures and algorithms.
Tata Consultancy ServicesHyderabad, India
Pinned Repositories
A full stack application titled: 'Employee Management System', built using Angular 13, Angular material, Java, Spring Boot and MySQL database to demonstrate crud operations using REST apis.
A supervised machine learning model to predict Boston house prices using Linear Regression
A GIF search engine that uses the Giphy API to search for the desired GIFs and display them.
A movie/TV streaming website built using HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript, PHP and MySQL.
A board game built in Java that incorporates an AI agent which works on minimax algorithm to play against humans. The game is commonly known as Mancala which is a two player turn based strategy game and features perfect information just like chess, tic-tac-toe, or Go. The minimax algorithm looks farther ahead from the current state of the game and recursively determines the best possible move for the AI player. The game is developed using java and swing.
An audio streaming website that makes use of the SoundCloud API to search and play the desired songs.
A java application built to manage student details at an institution. The application is built using Java, Swing, JDBC and MySQL. This application can be used to add students to a database, search for existing students, edit their details and delete student records.
This repository contains my portfolio website and its relevant files.
SuyashMisra's Repositories
A full stack application titled: 'Employee Management System', built using Angular 13, Angular material, Java, Spring Boot and MySQL database to demonstrate crud operations using REST apis.
A board game built in Java that incorporates an AI agent which works on minimax algorithm to play against humans. The game is commonly known as Mancala which is a two player turn based strategy game and features perfect information just like chess, tic-tac-toe, or Go. The minimax algorithm looks farther ahead from the current state of the game and recursively determines the best possible move for the AI player. The game is developed using java and swing.
An audio streaming website that makes use of the SoundCloud API to search and play the desired songs.
A java application built to manage student details at an institution. The application is built using Java, Swing, JDBC and MySQL. This application can be used to add students to a database, search for existing students, edit their details and delete student records.
A GIF search engine that uses the Giphy API to search for the desired GIFs and display them.
This repository contains my portfolio website and its relevant files.
A supervised machine learning model to predict Boston house prices using Linear Regression
A movie/TV streaming website built using HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript, PHP and MySQL.