
break project

Primary LanguageRuby


What is the goal of the project? A user can save bookmarks for a particular project. Who is the target audience (can be just yourself)? Just me for now What are your personal learning goals? I want to move through the process of making a simple app and solidify the concepts that seem murky to me at this time. ie-the flow of the data through the app. What technologies/frameworks/patterns will you be employing? RESTful routes, Rails, Deployed application to Heroku, working with authenication. What are the tech and/or skill dependencies of your project? authentication, understanding MVC What does success look like for this project? What does done mean? I hope to have something operational and if time allowed, pretty as well! Create a Trello board in which you decompose the tasks and deliverables of the project. https://trello.com/b/RIJmLP40/bookmarks

Thanks! Suze