
A Blogging Application

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Vlog - A Blogging Application

I made this blog app as my interview task for Ekbana. so, I've only done limited features that I was asked to do within 3 days. I hope you'll like this project and appreciate my effort.

Also, You can view the task list assigned to me as I have put it there for you.

Technologies Used 💻



Things to consider 🤔

  • Used own Backend.
  • Used JavaScript instead of TypeScript as I think for small projects and working alone, TypeScript is overkill.
  • Used Nextjs SSR for fetching individual blog and blog list. (Also, replaced them with SSG in separate branch)
  • Used Material-UI for fast and easier UI development.
  • No State Management library is used as I was running out of time.
  • UI is inspired by various design resources from internet.
  • The whole app is responsive.

Quick Start 🚀

Clone the repo

git clone **https or ssh url**

Add a .env file in the root of server folder

DATABASE=**your mongo database uri**
DATABASE_PASSWORD=**your mongo database password**
JWT_SECRET=**a secrect key**

Install client dependencies

cd client
yarn or yarn install

Install server dependencies

cd server
yarn or yarn install

Run server in one terminal

cd server

yarn prod (Recommended when testing)
yarn dev (For local development, not recommended when testing)

Run client in another terminal

cd client

yarn build (I recommend to use Nextjs build version just for testing)
yarn start (After finish running **yarn build**)
yarn dev (For local development, not recommended when testing)

Check in browser on http://localhost:3000/

App Info ℹ️


Sujan Tamang




This project is licensed under the MIT License.